4 Reasons YOU Should Take a Multivitamin
Do you REALLY need to take a daily multivitamin?
Well, that depends on you.
If you’re eating an optimal diet of seasonal foods, then a multivitamin may be a waste of money. However, even the best diet may not be enough to obtain the nutrients your body needs.
You see, as you age, your body doesn’t absorb nutrients from food as well as it did in your younger years.
Appetite tends to decline, too.
This can lead to a long list of nutritional deficiencies that can harm your quality of life, trigger fatigue, brain fog, immune issues, and more.
Fortunately, plenty of research shows BIG benefits for taking a daily multi. I’ll highlight four TOP reasons you should consider adding one to your routine.
Multivitamins can help make up for nutrient shortfalls regardless of their cause. And there are four areas in particular where they can have a big impact.
Boost immune function
You’re only as healthy as your immune system—and a daily multivitamin can boost yours if needed.
While each brand of multivitamin is unique, most contain necessary nutrients like vitamins C and D and zinc, which are essential for healthy immune function.
These nutrients allow your body to fend off viruses and other illnesses. And they’re especially critical during the winter months.
Increased energy levels
A daily multi boosts your energy levels, especially if you’re deficient in iron.
In one study, taking a daily multi for one month led to increased carbohydrate breakdown and energy expenditure during exercise.
It also reduced stress and mental tiredness while helping participants feel less fatigued and more energized after exercise.
Better mental health
Nutrition plays a critical role in mental health that’s often overlooked.
In fact, one study showed that simply taking a daily multivitamin significantly reduced anxiety in college students.
Vitamin D, in particular… which you’ll find in nearly any multi… improves anxiety symptoms.
Better brain function
Brain fog, senior moments, and trouble learning might seem like a normal part of life by now. But they don’t have to be.
Simply taking a daily multi can sharpen brain function.
In one study, taking a multivitamin improved executive function, which aids in memory, attention span, planning, and focus.
P.S. With each passing year, aging takes its toll in the form of wrinkles, brain fog, joint pain, a slowing metabolism, and more. But a few key supplements can target these common aging issues. CLICK HERE for all the details.
“The Effect of a Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement on Immune Function in Healthy Older Adults: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial.” Nutrients. 2020 Aug 14;12(8):2447. doi: 10.3390/nu12082447. PMID: 32823974; PMCID: PMC7468989
“Acute and chronic effects of multivitamin/mineral supplementation on objective and subjective energy measures.” Nutr Metab (Lond). 2020 Feb 24;17:16. doi: 10.1186/s12986-020-00435-1. PMID: 32123534; PMCID: PMC7038616.