Is STRESS Destroying Your Gut?
We all know stress is a killer. It can cause heart disease, wreck your sleep, and even make you gain weight. But what if I told you that stress is also DESTROYING your gut? And I’m not just talking about a few butterflies in your stomach. I’m talking about a full-scale assault on the very […]
The SHOCKING Link Between Diabetes and Your Mind
We’ve all been there. Feeling down, anxious, or just “off.” And what do we often tell ourselves? “It’s just a bad day. I’ll get over it.” “I just need to toughen up.” “It’s all in my head.” But brushing off your mental health could be putting your physical health at serious risk. Especially if you’re […]
Timing Trick Supercharges Your Cancer Treatment
Cancer is notoriously difficult to treat. And sometimes, what works for one person doesn’t work for another. MANY factors are at play here, but one in particular has flown under the radar… that is, until now. It’s not about WHAT drug is being administered… but WHEN. Modern medicine is finally starting to wake up to […]
Load Up on This Dementia Buster
When it comes to protecting your brain and reducing your risk of cognitive decline, every little bit helps. But this doesn’t necessarily mean overhauling your lifestyle. It can include simple steps like getting more sleep, spending more time with friends, or regular massages to reduce stress levels. (Sounds pretty good, right?) Today, I have another […]
CAUTION: Are You Living In a “Cancer Zone”
You have a lot more control over cancer than you realize. Lifestyle factors like avoiding ultra-processed foods, getting plenty of movement, and not smoking can reduce your cancer risk. But even if you’re doing “everything right,” you could be exposing yourself to something that can increase your cancer risk as much as smoking. When it […]
Fiber Fix Reduces Risk for THIS Terrifying Condition
Everyone knows that fiber is great for digestion. But fiber can do MUCH more than reduce your risk of constipation or hemorrhoids. Over the years, we’ve discovered fiber has other added benefits like lowering blood sugar, reducing heart disease risk, weight management, and more. Today, I have another one to add to the list—and it’s […]
“Breath of Fresh Air” Cancer Pain Relief
When it comes to pain, cancer patients can be hit with a double whammy. Cancer itself often causes pain—and so can the treatments. In fact, PAIN is one of the most common symptoms reported by cancer patients, with 30 to 40 percent experiencing ongoing pain. The last thing they need is to load even MORE […]
Eat Your Way to Lower Anxiety
Anxiety can be crippling. It can cause you to withdraw from your friends… leave you unable to work… and make it impossible to make decisions. Even worse, it can mess with your health, impacting your breathing, digestion, sleep, and more. Doctors predictably treat anxiety with drugs. And while meds might work for some in the […]
Don’t Ignore This Killer Constipation Threat
No one wants to talk about constipation… but that doesn’t mean you should ignore it. Besides causing pain, gas, and cramps, constipation can lead to more serious health risks, such as bowel incontinence, fecal impaction, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse. But even beyond these issues, constipation can increase your risk of suffering the number one […]
How Chronic Stress Shaves Years Off Your Life
This Labor Day, I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge the ingenuity, perseverance, and spirit of America’s workforce. Their daily efforts build our nation and fuel our progress. When it comes to stress, there’s good and bad news. The bad news is that chronic stress is associated with an increased risk of conditions like […]
Light Trick Slashes Near-Sightedness in Kids
Yesterday, I explained that spending time in the sun can reduce the risk of dying from the world’s two BIGGEST killers: heart disease and cancer. (If you missed it, you can catch up here.) Typically, I talk about sun benefits that extend to adults. But today, I’ve got one for the kids in your life. […]
Illuminating Solution SLASHES Cancer and Heart Disease Risk
Despite all the money we dump into the healthcare system, heart disease and cancer STILL kill over 1.3 million people in the US every year. And that number won’t be changing anytime soon. But instead of throwing millions of dollars at doctor’s visits, state-of-the-art testing, treatment, and drugs, I have a better idea. It doesn’t […]
The Habit That’s Killing Type 2 Diabetics
If you’re living with type 2 diabetes, you have an increased risk of health problems ranging from heart attack and stroke to kidney failure and neuropathy. You also have a higher risk of early death. People with type 2 diabetes live about six years less than average. That’s bad enough. But there’s ONE habit that […]
Avoid This Common Alzheimer’s Accelerator
There are certain risk factors for Alzheimer’s that you can’t change… like your age or family history. But the BIGGEST risk factors for this devastating disease are entirely within your control. These include factors like inactivity, being overweight, or being a smoker. Today, I want to highlight a risk factor that can increase your Alzheimer’s […]
Shocking Study Reveals Hidden Fruit Danger
Fruit can be fantastic for your health. Most fruit is high in fiber, low in calories, and rich in nutrients. So, it’s unsurprising that research has tied eating it to better heart health, weight loss, and even reduced cancer risk. But there’s a catch. Some fruits are terrible for your health. Read on to learn […]
Bribery Hack Can Boost Your Health
Changing your lifestyle is the best way to improve your health. But no one said it was easy. Old habits die hard, right? This is especially the case when it comes to exercise. Sometimes, you just need a little extra motivation to get going. Well, researchers have found an unconventional way to get people to […]
Deficiency Sends Alzheimer’s Risk Soaring by 59%
If you don’t know someone who has suffered from Alzheimer’s, you’re lucky. After 65, about one in nine people has this disease. If you don’t want that one person to be YOU, then you should be taking steps right now to lower your risk. Today, I’m going to share with you one of the best […]
Slow Aging to a CRAWL with This Diet Trick
I love when people tell me I look good for my age. I’m 71, aging like fine wine—or so I’m told—and proud of it. But make no mistake. Having a younger biological age isn’t about genetics or luck. It’s about choices. And one choice you make daily plays a key role in how slow—or fast—you […]
Produce Powered Breakthrough Protects Kidneys
You already know that high blood pressure is the leading risk factor for heart disease. But you might not be aware that hypertension can also play a role in chronic kidney disease, a condition that occurs when your kidneys can’t filter blood properly. Like many other health issues, changing your lifestyle can help prevent this […]
Vital Vitamin D Warning
It’s easy to think that every health problem can be solved by popping a pill. Unfortunately, it’s rarely that simple. Most medications are expensive, side-effect-laden Band-aids. And while supplements can be beneficial, getting the nutrients your body needs from natural sources is far better. Vitamin D is the perfect example. And ignoring this could have […]