5 Sneaky Signs You Need More Vitamin C
Vitamin C is best known for its role in immune health.
But it’s more than just a one-hit wonder.
C is critical for everything from wound healing and iron absorption, to the maintenance of cartilage, bones, and teeth.
Plus, it helps manage blood pressure levels, lowers your risk of heart disease, protects your memory, reduces the risk of eye diseases, and much more.
The only problem with vitamin C is that you might not be getting enough of it. Your risk of vitamin C deficiency increases right along with your age.
Here are seven sneaky signs you’re not getting enough of this critical nutrient.
Sign #1: You get sick a lot.
Vitamin C boosts immune health and serves as a key antioxidant that helps fight off oxidative stress and infections. If you’re getting sick a lot, there’s a good chance you don’t have enough vitamin C to keep your defenses high.
Sign #2: You’re tired and moody.
Feeling fatigued is a very general symptom, but it could be one of the earliest signs of a vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C help ensure that your body absorbs iron, which is important for preventing anemia.
Additionally, one study showed that people who were deficient in vitamin C improved their mood after taking a supplement.
Sign #3: Your gums are swollen or bleeding.
Without vitamin C your gum tissue is more likely to become weak and inflamed and your blood vessels bleed more easily.
In one study, people with a vitamin C deficiency were 1.16 times more likely to have bleeding gums.
Sign #4: Your wounds heal slowly.
Because of vitamin C’s role in collagen formation a deficiency can cause wounds to heal more slowly.
In one study, patients given vitamin C after surgery healed more quickly than those not taking the supplement.
Slow healing is a more advanced sign of deficiency, so if you’re noticing this issue, act to correct vitamin C levels sooner than later.
Sign #5: Dry damaged skin.
Your skin contains large amounts of vitamin C, which promotes collagen production, protects against UV damage, and keeps your skin moist.
So a deficiency in vitamin C can often be spotted simply by looking in the mirror. Dry, damaged skin, wrinkles, and red, discolored patches are a dead giveaway.
The good news is that you can eliminate these symptoms—effectively turning back the clock on skin aging—simply by restoring your vitamin C levels.
To get more vitamin C in your diet, stock up on C-rich foods like oranges strawberries, kiwi, broccoli, parsley, and red peppers.
P.S. Vitamin C likely isn’t the only nutrient your body is bellowing for. Some experts say the MAJORITY of us run low on vitamin D too. Check out these 5 weird warning signs of vitamin D deficiency.
(2022, September 6.) “7 Signs You May Need More Vitamin C.” SciTech Daily. https://scitechdaily.com/7-signs-you-may-need-more-vitamin-c/