99 Cent Method CONQUERS Heart Disease
If there’s one area of medicine that the mainstream continues to get wrong, it’s heart disease.
Stop eating meat and cheese. Wrong.
Cholesterol causes heart disease. Nope.
Even the targeted blood pressure recommendations are (you guessed it) … WRONG AGAIN!
It’s no wonder that coronary artery disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the U.S.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Because research has revealed the secret to WIPING OUT heart disease risk.
My go-to fix for heart disease? Sun exposure.
That’s right, spending more time in the sun offers dramatic protection for your heart.
Research confirms the unexpected link. For example, epidemiologic studies show that cardiovascular disease increases the farther you get from the equator.
And folks living at higher elevations—where the sun’s rays are more concentrated—have a significant reduction in heart-related deaths compared to those living in lower areas.
And heart-related deaths are significantly reduced in folks living at higher elevations compared to those living in lower areas.
You see, sun exposure—specifically, ultraviolet A (UVA) light—triggers the production and release of artery-expanding (heart-disease-fighting) nitric oxide in your skin cells and arteries.
And for every 300-meter (.18 miles) gain in altitude, UVA levels increase by 10 percent.
These studies were conducted at various points around the globe, including Switzerland, Greece, the US, and the Andes.
And in the United States, there was a 30 percent plunge in heart disease deaths among those living at high elevations compared to those at low.
It’s easy to assume vitamin D is the driving force behind the sun’s heart benefits. After all, studies show a strong correlation between low D and deaths from heart attack and stroke.
But as powerful as this hormone is, randomized controlled trials DON’T support the vitamin D hypothesis in this case. A meta-analysis of those trials failed to show a difference between placebos and vitamin-D- supplemented groups.
That means that vitamin D alone gives you ZERO heart benefits. And this is what you would expect if the benefit was from UVA in the form of sunlight instead of isolated vitamin D.
Vitamin D is produced by UVB light from sunlight, activating the cholesterol molecules in our skin. And if you get UVB, you’re also getting UVA.
UVA light varies greatly depending on the time of day, latitude, altitude, season, cloud cover, air pollution, and other factors. And there’s no UVA present when the sun is very near the horizon (during sunrise and sunset).
You can download a UVI app for your smartphone that will tell you precisely the time UVA comes out and how intense it is—most are free or cost no more than $0.99.
P.S. Five VITAL reasons to get MORE vitamin D.
Holliman, G et al. “Ultraviolet Radiation-Induced Production of Nitric Oxide: A multi-cell and multi-donor analysis.” Sci Rep. 2017; 7: 11105.