Alert! Popular Drugs TRIPLE Diabetes Risk
Some things obviously increase your risk of diabetes… being overweight and eating too many sweets come to mind.
But you could be doing “everything right” and still be unknowingly increasing your risk.
In fact, you could be following doctors’ orders, and tripling your risk of diabetes.
Because a popular class of drugs are causing diabetes.
Here’s what you need to know to stay safe.
There are a few drugs I love to hate, and statins are right up there at the top of the list.
Statins increase your risk of cataracts, muscle problems, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer.
Maybe it would be worth it if they worked… but studies show time and again that they don’t help you live any longer.
That’s a lot of risk for zero benefits.
And for the 17 million people taking these drugs, the risks just got a whole lot worse.
Because according to a study published in the journal Diabetes Metabolism Research and Review, taking statins dramatically increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
The study included over 4,500 people who were obese but did not have diabetes at the start of the study.
The researchers found that people who took statins had double the risk of being diagnosed with diabetes compared to non-statin users.
But the people who had been taking statins for more than two years had TRIPLE the risk of developing diabetes.
That indicates that there’s a dose-dependent relationship, which only strengthens the cause and effect relationship.
Do you know what else strengthens the relationship? The fact that this isn’t the first, second, or even third-time statin use has been shown to increase the risk of diabetes.
In one study that included over 3,000 patients followed up for 10 years, the researchers found that statins were associated with about a 30 percent increased risk.
Another study showed that women who used statins had a 71 percent elevated risk for diabetes compared to those not using statins.
And another showed that statins increase the risk of diabetes by more than 50 percent in older women.
I personally would never take a statin drug… and if you’re on one now, I’d recommend talking to your doctor about coming off the drug. And lowering your risk of heart disease the safest, most effective way possible:
By eating healthy whole foods, getting a little exercise, and spending plenty of time in the sun. When you follow this protocol, you’ll be lowering your risk of both heart disease and diabetes.
Imagine that!