Beware of False Blood Pressure Readings
High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for heart disease.
The problem is… you could be led to believe you have high blood pressure when you really don’t.
An issue I’ve been battling for years is that mainstream medicine keeps lowering the number that defines high blood pressure.
While this hasn’t been shown to save lives, it HAS expanded the number of people who qualify for blood pressure-lowering drugs.
And now, it turns out that how your doctor measures your blood pressure could lead to FALSE readings.
In 2017, the definition of high blood pressure dropped from 140/90 down to 120-129/80.
I’ve done a deep dive into the research, and from what I’ve seen, reducing this number doesn’t add years to your life… it just adds to Big Pharma’s bottom line.
Now, there’s another problem that could be leading even more people to believe they have high blood pressure when they really don’t…
In a recent study, researchers measured the blood pressure of 133 adults using three different arm positions: on their lap, on a desk, or at their side.
They standardized everything possible between groups (empty bladder, rest periods, feet supported, etc.).
Then, they triple-checked the measurements for each position.
Their results showed that the arm position during a blood pressure check dramatically impacted the results.
The lack of arm support made the blood pressure readings seem higher than they were in reality.
Blood pressure obtained with the arm resting in the lap led to higher systolic readings by 3.9 mmHg and diastolic readings by 4 mmHg.
However, the reading with the arms at the side was even worse, leading to systolic blood pressure being overestimated by 6.5 mmHg and diastolic by 4.4 mmHg.
The most accurate blood pressure reading—whether you’re doing them at home or in your doctor’s office—is to have your arm supported on a flat surface.
Don’t get me wrong, high blood pressure is a serious health problem.
But before your doctor talks you into taking ACE inhibitors for the rest of your life, I recommend double and triple-checking your own blood pressure… with your arm firmly supported on a table or desk.
P.S. The bedroom secret to healthy blood pressure.
Liu H, Zhao D, Sabit A, et al. Arm Position and Blood Pressure Readings: The ARMS Crossover Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Intern Med. Published online October 07, 2024. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2024.5213