Blacklisted Treatment CURES Cancer
We all have that one in-law, right? You know, the guy you didn’t even want to talk to when you first met him… and now you’ll sort of begrudgingly acknowledge each other at the Thanksgiving table.
Well, for about the past 40 years, that’s exactly how the mainstream cancer industry has treated intravenous vitamin C (IVC).
No matter how many studies show it cures cancer… no matter how many lives are saved or extended… the mainstream still can’t bring itself to make IVC a standard cancer option.
Call me crazy — but I think this has a lot to do with all the truckloads of cash they’re making off of chemo treatments.
But, fortunately for all of us, we may have just taken another baby step in the right direction.
A new (and pretty mainstream) study has shown that IVC can boost the effectiveness of standard cancer treatments.
For this research, IVC was given to patients with glioblastoma who were already undergoing chemo and radiation. They received three infusions per week for two months, and then two infusions per week for seven months.
Glioblastoma is a highly aggressive form of brain cancer, and the typical survival rate is in the 12-14-month range. Adding vitamin C to chemo and radiation extended the survival rate by an additional 4-6 months.
That’s a massive improvement.
Of course, the goal of this study is to keep you on chemo and radiation. But the fact is, there’s lots of science showing that IVC can extend lives — and even cure cancer — all on its own.
Back in the 1970s, one of my heroes in the medical community—Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling—was the first to make the vitamin C/cancer connection. His research showed that cancer patients given high doses of intravenous vitamin C lived 4 TIMES longer than those who weren’t.
Back then he was called a quack. Today, he’s a pioneer.
Even the National Cancer Institute has admitted that vitamin C can block tumor growth in numerous cancers, including the prostate, pancreatic, liver, colon, and more.
It’s not news to me that IVC can kill cancer. My colleagues have been using it for years, and I’ve seen countless patients benefit from it. Now, the government and the medical community at large are slowly admitting they were wrong about it.
It’s about time.
The reason IVC is so powerful is because it exploits a weakness built into all cancer cells. Cancer cells have a faulty mechanism that causes them to produce a substance called redox active iron molecules. When they come in contact with vitamin C, these molecules form free radicals that destroy the cancer cells.
It’s important to note that the results of these studies occurred with a dosage 1,000 TIMES the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C, and given through an IV. You can’t—and shouldn’t—take that much vitamin C orally because the body can only assimilate so much into the bloodstream at one time.
If you’re interested in finding a doctor who offers IVC, the American College for Advancement in Medicine Physician Finder is a good place to start. You can find it here.
Make some calls to local doctors. If a doctor’s office isn’t offering it, there’s a good chance they’ll know someone who is.
To a brighter day,
Dr. G
[1] High-dose vitamin C makes cancer treatment more effective, trial shows
[2] High-Dose Vitamin C (PDQ®)–Patient Version
[3] High doses of vitamin C to improve cancer treatment passes human safety trial
[4] Was Linus Pauling Right About Vitamin C’s Curative Powers After All?