DANGEROUS Drug Overprescribed to Seniors?!
I’m not opposed to prescription drugs.
But I AM opposed to giving prescription drugs to folks who don’t need them.
And as it turns out, one of the oldest, most popular drugs on the planet is being improperly prescribed by doctors.
In fact, according to a recent analysis, there are nearly 10 million people taking it… and they shouldn’t be.
Are you one of them?
Millions upon millions of people take an aspirin every day because they think it will protect them from a blood-clot-related heart attack or stroke.
But aspirin should never be used for primary prevention.
The risks simply do NOT outweigh the benefits.
Let’s talk about those risks.
Aspirin dramatically increases your risk of hemorrhaging, strokes, bleeding in the small intestine, and stomach ulcers.
The risk of complications is already high in seniors — and extra high in seniors with type 2 diabetes.
Aspirin increases the risk of deadly bleeding in people over 70.
In people over 75, it triples the risk.
And people over 85 have five times the risk.
Now, the benefits.
Zero. Zilch. Nada.
In people over 70 who do not have cardiovascular disease, taking 100 mg of aspirin daily has NO EFFECTS on disability-free survival.
But according to a recent analysis published in JAMA Network Open, about 42 percent of adults over 60, and 62 percent of those over 60 with diabetes are still taking an aspirin every day.
That adds up to 10 million older adults who are being carelessly overprescribed a drug that can do far more harm than good.
Keep aspirin on hand in case you ever find yourself having a heart attack.
Other than that, you can feel confident about telling your doc “no thanks.”
And if you’re already taking aspirin for prevention, I recommend talking to your doctor about coming off the drug right away.
Dr. Richard Gerhauser
P.S. There’s a new, scary aspirin scam going around. It’s one you DON’T want to fall for. Click here for the details and protect yourself.