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Dear Reader,

Just think of all the poisonous garbage you see in the grocery store these days.

There are cookies with a list of ingredients longer than the Declaration of Independence.

Or chips with weird flavors like “Buffalo Cheese.”

What the heck is buffalo cheese anyway?

But, believe it or not, the most dangerous items in the supermarket are probably things you buy every week.

I’m talking about those chicken breasts, drumsticks, or even T-bone steaks.

Because, more often than not, this meat is loaded with dangerous levels of antibiotics.

It’s triggering a global health crisis that’s already killing people.

Now, the problem is about to get a whole lot worse – and you need to act fast to keep yourself and the people you love safe.

You’ve heard me talk about antibiotic resistance before.

Basically, the more we’re exposed to antibiotics, the more resistant bacteria become to these drugs.

Then we end up with bacteria and infections that no antibiotic can kill.

These antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” are already killing people all over the world.

And your number-one exposure to antibiotics is probably coming from your food.

Modern factory farms are dens of filth and disease, so animals need to be pumped full of antibiotics just to keep them alive. Plus, it helps them put on weight so they fetch more money at slaughter.

It’s no secret that the use of antibiotics in animals has gotten out of control. But the latest assessment has given us insight into just how bad it’s gotten.

According to a report published in the journal Science, the amount of antibiotics and other antimocrobials given to animals is projected to rise by 52 percent in less than 15 years – totaling 200,000 tons.

That’s four hundred MILLION pounds!

Would you believe that animals receive three times the antibiotics that people do?

This is a very clear and present danger, and something needs to be done about it. Reserachers and activists are calling for tighter regulations on this out-of-control industry.

But that takes a lot of time and red tape.

In the meantime, you can speak with your pocketbook.

What’s the best way to avoid antibiotics in your food? It’s simple: BUY ORGANIC.

Yes, it costs more, but it’s worth it.

Beyond that, don’t take antibiotics unless it’s absolutely necessary. That means NOT taking them for the common cold (which is viral, meaning antibiotics don’t do a darn thing for it).

And one more thing: Stop using antibacterial hand soap. Even the FDA has acknowledged that it could contribute to antibiotic resistance.

It might seem minor, but every little bit helps.

To a brighter day,

Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.

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