Dr. G’s Plan for BUSTING Brain Fog
Dear Reader,
With all this talk about Alzheimer’s lately, it’s not surprising that people are getting a bit paranoid.
You can’t remember where you put your keys… could it be Alzheimer’s?
You come home from the grocery store and realize you forgot the eggs… a sign of dementia?
You’ve become easily distracted… should you be worried?
I’ll never tell someone NOT to go the doctor. If you’re concerned, it can’t hurt to get it checked out.
But quite often, in my own patients, I find that Alzheimer’s isn’t the issue… brain fog is.
And that’s great news, because with the right steps, you can REVERSE it… making these “seniors moments” a thing of the past.
Most people I know experience some level of brain fog as they get older.
Modern living – too much stress, processed food, and toxins (and not enough sleep or sunlight) – takes a toll on your body.
And your brain is no exception.
The bad news is that walking through your days in a daze can have a big impact on your quality of life.
The good news is, you can fix it.
Here are four key nutrients I recommend to break through the brain fog.
First (and possibly most importantly): omega-3 fatty acids.
There’s a good reason why fish oil supplements have become so popular over the past few years… they’re powerhouse nutrients for the two powerhouses of your body: your heart and your brain.
One study showed that people who take fish oil supplements have less cognitive decline—and less brain shrinkage—than people who don’t take them.
In fact, people with the most omega-3s have bigger brains!
Keeping your memories is one thing… being able to access them quickly and accurately is another. Enter ginkgo biloba.
A study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine showed that ginkgo biloba boosted the speed at which the brain was able to make critical connections by an amazing 68 percent.
The third brain-boosting nutrient is acetyl-L-carnitine. Studies show that ALC increases cognitive function and delays cognitive decline. Some experts say that within just a few hours of taking acetyl-L-carnitine, you’ll feel more focused and alert, and you won’t experience the “brain drain” that can otherwise leave you mentally exhausted.
The final one is rosemary. My wife likes to cook with this flavorful herb. And it turns out that just a whiff of the stuff can make you smarter and happier. (So that must be her secret!)
There’s a chemical in rosemary that improves your learning skills and your mood. And according to a study published in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology, just the smell of rosemary alone can boost your blood levels of this chemical.
All of these supplements are available through online retailers (or, in the case of rosemary, essential oils shops).
To a brighter day,
Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.