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Q: Since I hit menopause, I have such a hard time falling or staying asleep. Now I’m miserable and cranky all the time. Is there anything I can do to finally get a good night’s sleep?

— Agnes H. 

Dr. G:

Sleep problems have practically become an epidemic. I’m treating them at my practice ALL the time. 

When my patients come to me to asking for advice about how to get a better night’s sleep, I start by telling them exactly what I do (and I rarely have trouble sleeping). 

In addition, there are a handful of supplements that have been shown to help you get some shut-eye as well. Here are five steps you can start taking today that will have you well in your way to perfect sleep. 

  1. Get plenty of morning sunlight. This might seem odd, but it’s the foundation for setting your body’s internal clock—your circadian rhythm. This 24-hour clock governs the release of the hormones you need to be alert during the day—and to get sleepy at night.
  1. Avoid exposure to blue light at night. Blue light is emitted from things in your house like light bulbs, TV screens, laptops, and even your cell phone. When your eyes take in all that blue light at night, your brain thinks it’s noon. And when that happens, you’re actively SHUTTING DOWN your body’s sleep hormone: melatonin.
  1. In addition to making sure you’re not sabotaging your body’s melatonin production, you can also take supplemental melatonin. It’s not the exact hormone your body produces, but it is chemically identical to it. Multiple studies have shown that supplementing with melatonin increases both the quality and quantity of sleep in both adults and children. Time-released formulas tend to work best.
  1. Magnesium can also help alleviate sleep problems for two reasons. First, it helps relax your muscles. Second, it supports a chemical in your brain that helps calm you down. In other words, magnesium helps ease the tension and anxiety (an overactive brain) that can make sleep so elusive. One study showed that supplementing with magnesium helped people fall asleep faster, sleep more soundly, and stay asleep longer.
  1. Valerian is less well known, but people have been using it for thousands of years to treat insomnia and anxiety. Some research even indicates that it works better than sleeping pills.

Want me to answer your question next? Email me at askdrg@naturalhealthresponse.com

To a brighter day,

Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.

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