Dump Your Milk Down the Drain (If It’s This Kind)
When I was a kid, I loved to gulp down a cold, creamy glass of milk – especially with my mother’s homemade cookies.
But somewhere along the way, the government and the food industry tampered with one of nature’s perfect foods—taking out the fat (and all the taste)—and I stopped being such a fan.
But milk is about to be vindicated.
Because more and more studies are coming out showing the incredible benefits of full-fat, unadulterated milk.
And if you have a fridge full of skim milk, it may be time to dump it down the drain.
For years, the food industry has perpetuated the false claim that taking the fat out of milk will somehow make it better for you.
Not only will eating fat make you fat, they claim, but it will also be more likely to clog your arteries, increasing your risk of heart attack and stroke.
I guess if you shout something loud and long enough, people start to believe it’s true. In the UK alone, 85% of all milk sold is a variety of skim milk.
But it’s NOT true. In fact, it’s a bold-faced LIE.
And the research is there to prove it.
Researchers in Denmark have been comparing the impact of full-fat milk vs. skim milk on heart disease.
Here’s what they found:
- There is NO association between dairy intake and heart disease.
- The more dairy you consume, the LOWER your risk of type 2 diabetes.
- Full-fat dairy boosts levels of good (HDL) cholesterol.
Ultimately, they determined that full-fat milk is BETTER for your heart than the tasteless skim variety.
Well hallelujah, and pass the pitcher!
These findings confirm an earlier study by the same research team. In that study, they determined that eating low-fat dairy options did nothing to reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, or weight—while those who ate full fat cheese for months had ZERO increase in their heart disease risk.
Drinking full fat milk is a good place to start, but if you want to harness ALL of milk’s many health benefits, you’ll need to drink it raw.
Raw milk is hands down one of the healthiest foods on the planet. That’s what my family and I drink, and that’s what I recommend to my patients as well.
To read more on the truth about raw milk, go to www.realmilk.com. It includes everything you could ever want to know about the real science behind the safety and benefits of raw milk.
Until then, don’t be afraid to drink the tasty, full-fat version from your local grocery store.
To a brighter day,
Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.