Eat THIS to Beat Depression
The antidepressant found in the produce aisle
Plenty of studies have shown how risky and ineffective antidepressants can be.
Yet doctors continue to prescribe them like they’re the only hope for people who are depressed.
I’m here to tell you that they’re NOT your only hope.
Simple lifestyle changes can be much more effective against these kinds of mental illnesses.
In fact, researchers have identified a key food from the produce aisle that’s been proven to reduce your chances of depression.
The depression-fighting superfood?
When researchers evaluated dietary and health questionnaires of about 25,000 people, they found that the people who ate mushrooms had a lower risk of depression, compared to those who rarely ate them.
You don’t have to overdo it, either.
The people who ate a moderate amount of mushrooms had the same risk reduction as those who ate a lot of mushrooms.
One potential reason for these mental health benefits is because of a compound in mushrooms called ergothioneine, which has been shown to lower the risk of anxiety and depression.
Ergothioneine is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent oxidative stress, something studies have proven time and again plays a significant role in neuropsychiatric disorders like depression.
You can only get ergothioneine from food, and mushrooms contain more ergothioneine than any other food source.
Mushrooms also happen to be one of the best food sources of vitamin D, which is also essential for mental health (not to mention a healthy immune system and strong bones).
These types of studies don’t prove cause and effect, but they do establish a pattern.
And when it comes to mushrooms, they have a pretty good track record of benefitting your health.
It doesn’t matter if you eat them raw or cooked.
Find ways to include them in your diet, and your brain will thank you.