The First Sign of Heart Disease? (You’ll Be Surprised)
There are all kinds of warning signs that your heart could be in trouble.
High blood pressure.
High cholesterol.
But there’s one warning sign that most doctors COMPLETELY overlook.
And it could be your earliest warning sign of heart disease—and an early death.
Men dread having trouble “getting it up” as they get older.
If you happen to be one of the thousands of men dealing with ED, your doctor will likely prescribe you a “magic” blue pill and send you on your way.
You might be back in business—but you’re NOT out of the woods.
Because according to a recent study, ED could be your BEST and EARLIEST warning sign of heart disease and death.
Researchers analyzed about 2,000 men, and here’s what they found:
Men with ED had a 1.4 times higher risk of dying, compared to those without it. .
But men with the trifecta—low testosterone, poor morning erections, and low libido—had a 1.8 times higher risk of death.
The connection makes perfect sense.
ED is usually the result of blood flow problems — which are bad news for your heart, too.
And since the vessels in the penis are smaller than those in the heart, ED problems can show up BEFORE heart problems do.
This means that you can consider ED to be one of the earliest warnings that your heart could be in trouble.
So rather than getting a prescription for a little blue pill that’s only going to mask the problem, start taking steps to improve your heart health—like lowering your blood pressure, exercising, and spending more time in the sun.
By doing so, you could be getting a two-for-one: better heart health, and better bedroom function, too.