“Fishy” Supplement SINKS High Blood Pressure
If you’re not paying attention to your blood pressure, it’s time to get on the ball.
Hypertension is the number one risk factor for heart disease, which is the number one killer in the U.S.
This fact always frustrates me, because your blood pressure is something completely within your control.
Not only is hypertension preventable… it’s reversible.
Whether you want to keep your blood pressure in a healthy range—or work to lower it without the help of drugs—I have a simple solution that can help get you on the right track.
In a randomized, controlled clinical trial, 72 adults from 60-90 years old took three fish oil capsules per day or a placebo.
Each fish oil capsule contained 1,491 mg of DHA, and 351 mg of EPA.
After 12 months, it was clear that taking fish oil had a beneficial effect on blood pressure.
Those taking the fish oil supplement had a much smaller increase in blood pressure than those taking the placebo over the year-long period.
In the fish oil group, BP only increased by 1.8mmHg, compared to 10.7mmHg in the placebo group.
This increase was despite the fact that more than half of the patients were taking hypertension medication.
The reason why fish oil has such a beneficial impact on blood pressure is due to prostaglandins, which cause the blood vessels to dilate, prevents platelet aggregation, and helps control sodium retention.
The researchers pointed out that the greatest benefit of fish oil was seen in people who already had hypertension.
As an added benefit, results showed that those taking fish oil saw improvements in their Geriatric Anxiety Inventory and Geriatric Depression Scale scores.
This indicates that fish oil could have a beneficial impact on anxiety and depression in addition to its blood pressure benefits.
P.S. Need more reason to take daily fish oil? Click here for my top five reasons.