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Hippocrates is credited for saying, “Let food be thy medicine.”

Sadly, it’s a fundamental truth that mainstream medicine has abandoned, mainly because Big Pharma discredits anything that can’t be patented.

But I, for one, believe in the power of food.

And this latest study on one of my favorite foods is the perfect example.

It shows how powerful the produce aisle is when it comes to beating back the most common cancer in men.

It’s estimated that one in eight men will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime.

Mainstream medicine pushes early detection in the form of PSA tests.

I want to push prevention in the form of food, instead… mushrooms, to be exact.

In an earlier Phase 1 clinical trial, researchers found that a white button mushroom supplement decreased PSA levels—without impacting testosterone levels—in 13 out of 36 men with recurring prostate cancer.

Now, after the Phase II trial, researchers have a better idea of why.

For this mouse study, researchers administered white button mushroom extract either BEFORE the mice were injected with tumor cells or AFTER.

Both produced remarkable results.

  • When administered BEFORE they had tumors, the mushroom extract delayed the growth of prostate cancer and extended survival.
  • When given AFTER, it shrank the tumors, kept them at a smaller size, and extended survival.

They also found that the mushroom extract reduced harmful MDSCs, a type of cell that suppresses your body’s immune response by suppressing T cells.

The result was a boost in T cell numbers and, ultimately, a better immune response.

These same results were seen in human prostate cancer patients: a reduction in harmful MDCSs and a boost in the immune cells that destroy cancer.

The research on this supplement is ongoing.

However, a mushroom is a mushroom.

Adding them to a diet of whole foods can only boost your body’s ability to do what it was designed to do… fight disease and keep you healthy.

P.S. “Dinner Plate” danger raises prostate risk.


Wang, X., Ma, S., Twardowski, P., (2024). Reduction of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in prostate cancer murine models and patients following white button mushroom treatment. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 14(10), e70048.

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