Fun in the Sun Habit Boosts Cancer Risk?
Summer is just a few short weeks away. If you squint, you can practically SEE it approaching.
Soon, millions will head to the beach, the pool, and the park to enjoy the beautiful weather.
But there’s one summertime habit that can harm your health.
In fact, it could send your cancer risk SOARING.
If you think I’m talking about spending time in the sun, you couldn’t be more wrong.
So, before you head out to enjoy the warm weather, here’s what you NEED to know.
The two BIGGEST summertime myths claiming to be protecting your health are actually putting you directly in harm’s way.
The first is the myth that exposing yourself to sunshine is harmful.
The truth is most folks need to get MORE natural sunlight.
It’s not only because sunlight is your body’s BEST source of vitamin D. Our closest star’s benefits for your physical and mental health range from boosting your brain to improving sleep and REDUCING skin cancer risk.
And second is the myth that sunscreen is beneficial for your health.
As soon as the warm weather hits, the hard sell starts. TV ads, store displays, and even your well-meaning friends and family insist you must slather on sunscreen to block the dangerous melanoma-inducing (skin cancer) rays.
It’s all a big, fat lie. In fact, an independent study revealed more than a quarter of all sunscreens tested contained the carcinogen benzene at levels up to three times higher than allowed by the FDA.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says benzene can cause cancer in humans. But the bad news doesn’t end there.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirms the chemicals in sunscreen ARE absorbed into your skin. And testing revealed that the levels found in the bloodstream were 40 times higher than is considered “safe.”
These sunscreen toxins include oxybenzone, octocrylene, ecamsule, and avobenzone. These chemicals are KNOWN to cause hormone disruptions, cellular damage, and mutations. Plus, they increase the risk of hormone-related cancers.
Despite these disturbing reports, these products weren’t recalled. So instead of counting on the government to do the right thing, you must protect yourself.
Toss the toxic sunscreens and spend some time soaking up a healthy dose of sunlight every day.
Aim for several sun sessions throughout the day: sunrise, mid-day, and evening. The sun provides numerous benefits at different points in the day because of the various spectrums of light.
P.S. Still not fully convinced? Check out these 6 reasons you need MORE sunlight (NOT less!).
“Valisure Detects High Levels of Known Human Carcinogen Benzene In Several Sunscreen Products and Requests FDA Action,”