“Hidden” Ingredient DOUBLES Heart Disease Risk!
Last week I told you about a popular food that does NOT negatively impact your heart: eggs.
Today, I’m sounding the alarm about a “hidden” ingredient that can actually DOUBLE your risk of dying from heart disease.
You’re probably eating it every single day… and you don’t even know it.
Find out what it is… and how much is too much.
You know that sugar isn’t good for you.
You know that it can make you gain weight, and ultimately increase your risk of major conditions like type 2 diabetes.
But did you know that it bad for your heart, too?
A new study shows that if 25 percent or more of your daily calories come from sugar, you are twice as likely to die from heart disease.
Now, 25 percent might sound like a lot—and it is.
But believe it or not, that’s about how much most people consume daily.
According to the USDA, the average American eats 94 grams of sugar per day. That’s about 350 calories.
Or, about one-quarter of a 1,400-calorie-per-day diet.
Most people don’t eat it by the spoonful, but sugar is hidden in so many different foods.
Sure, it’s obvious in produces like cookies and donuts and ice cream.
But it’s also loaded into not-so-obvious foods like salad dressing, ketchup, BBQ sauce, pasta sauce, and peanut butter.
Don’t let sugar sneak up on you.
Keep it out of your life and out of your body by eating more whole foods (shop the perimeter of the grocery store), and skipping the processed foods that line the shelves in the center of the store.
Read labels.
And skip the sugary drinks (sodas, juices, and Frappuccino).