NEVER Get Bowel Cancer?! (Here’s How)
If your doctor gave you a prescription to never get cancer, would you get it filled?
Of course you would!
Well, I don’t have a pill to recommend, but I do have a prescription that will help you prevent bowel cancer.
And rather than taking it every day like most prescriptions, you only need this one three times a week.
For a study published in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology, researchers looked at dietary questionnaires of over 475,000 people that included details on their intake of different kinds of fish.
It turns out there was an especially strong connection between how much fish you eat and your risk of getting bowel cancer.
Specifically, eating about 12 oz. (or two large servings) of any kind of fish every week reduced bowel cancer risk by 12%, compared to those who only ate 2 oz.
But for fatty fish like salmon and sardines, eating just a THIRD of that amount – about 4.5 ounces – led to a 10% reduction in bowel cancer.
This isn’t surprising, considering the fact that fatty fish is loaded with health-protecting omega-3s, which helps reduce inflammation as well as just about any condition you can think of (yes, cancer included).
So it makes perfect sense that eating more foods with this particular nutrient would offer those well-researched benefits.
Bowel cancers like colon and rectal cancer are the third most common cancer affecting both men and women, and this year alone the American Cancer Society projects that there will be over 145,000 new diagnoses – killing about 51,000 of those individuals.
I always recommend routine colonoscopies, which can identify precancerous polyps before they have a chance to turn deadly.
But in the meantime, simply adding more fish to your weekly menu can put a dramatic dent in your risk as well.
I’ll take my salmon grilled and on a bed of spinach.