“Nutty Snack” Helps You Live Longer?!
Lowers risk of death from any cause
I’m all for lowering your risk of having a heart attack.
But what really grabs my attention are studies showing how to lower your risk of DYING from one.
That’s why I had to share this latest study with you.
It shows that a simple snack food can lower your risk of DYING from cardiovascular disease—or of DYING early from any cause at all.
I’ve told you about the benefits of eating nuts and seeds plenty of times in the past.
Specific nuts come with specific benefits, but as a whole, these healthy foods are chock full of nutrients that can lower your risk of heart disease, support thyroid and immune function, promote healthy cell growth (which helps prevent cancer), help prevent diabetes, support weight loss, and decrease inflammation.
You get the picture.
It’s like a preventive medicine cabinet crammed into one of nature’s most compact foods.
Now, a recent study published in the Journal of the British Medical Association gives us another reason to love nuts:
They can help you live longer.
A review of 41 studies published over the past 30 years that followed 120,000 adults found that consumption of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)—an omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid found primarily in nuts and seeds—reduced the risk of death from any cause.
Specifically, consuming just 1.6 grams per day was associated with a…
- 10 percent lower risk of death from any cause
- 11 percent lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease
- 8 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease
This was compared to people who consumed about half that amount of ALAs.
This proves yet again that true health isn’t found in a medicine cabinet… it’s found in nature.
(Or in today’s modern world, in the perimeter of the grocery store.)