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There’s a lot of information—and probably even more misinformation—floating around the Internet.

When it comes to supplements, some people claim they’re necessary for healthy living, while others say they’re a sham.

And still others say they’re downright dangerous.

For example, a recent study reported that two VERY popular supplements increase your risk of dying from a heart problem.

Let’s take a closer look.

In a recent study, over 36,000 postmenopausal women took vitamin D (400 IUs) plus calcium (400 mg) or a placebo daily for seven years.

Then, the researchers followed the women for up to 22 years.

The group taking calcium plus vitamin D had a seven percent reduction in their risk of dying from cancer compared to the placebo group. Sounds great, right?

The trouble is they also appeared to have a six percent increased risk of dying from heart disease.

In addition, the researchers expected the supplement combo to boost bone strength and reduce the risk of fractures… but it didn’t.

So, what’s the deal?

Well, they missed a CRITICAL part of the puzzle by not incorporating vitamin K2 into the mix.

Because while calcium and vitamin D are vital for bone health, they don’t get the job done right unless vitamin K2 is also along for the ride.

As I explained yesterday, vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, but vitamin K2 helps direct the calcium into your bones. Without it, calcium will end up in your arteries instead.

And, of course, that leads to weaker bones and increased heart risks—just like the study showed.

Other research has also shown that taking calcium in isolation can increase the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attack), stroke, and death.

The short answer is that you shouldn’t take calcium and vitamin D without vitamin K2.

But there’s much more to the story.

In the May 2022 issue of my newsletter, Natural Health Response, I explored this critical topic in greater depth, sharing the best ways to increase calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin K2 for a healthier heart AND stronger bones. Subscribers can CLICK HERE to read more.

Not a subscriber already? No problem! Everything you need to know to join us you’ll find right here.

P.S. Cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and even aging itself are being reversed every single day in real patients. Join me for my first-ever Disease Reversal Masterclass. Don’t wait to secure your free spot for this special event. I’d hate for you to miss it!


Thomson C., et al.,”Long-Term Effect of Randomization to Calcium and Vitamin D Supplementation on Health in Older Women: Postintervention Follow-up of a Randomized Clinical Trial,” Annals of Internal Medicine, 12 March 2024, Volume 177, Number 4


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