STOP Your Arthritis Pain! (FREE)
There’s no doubt about it – osteoarthritis hurts.
This painful condition happens when the cartilage that’s supposed to act as a cushion between your bones wears down, ultimately leaving your bones to scrape and bump into each other.
This kind of agony doesn’t just keep you from doing what you love… it can make your life absolutely miserable.
Even worse? Osteoarthritis is a progressive disease, but there’s good news…
Because scientists have found a simple solution that can STOP the breakdown of cartilage.
And it won’t cost you’re a dime.
When your joints hurt, the last thing you want to do is exercise.
But according to a study published in Osteoarthritis & Cartilage, that might just be the best thing for you.
Researchers found that exercise can actually stop the breakdown of cartilage caused by osteoarthritis, which means it can get to the very heart of the disease.
The researchers found that during exercise, the mechanical force experienced by the cells in the joints suppresses the inflammatory molecules that cause the cartilage breakdown in the first place.
By stopping the breakdown of cartilage, you won’t just be stopping the pain… you’ll be helping to stop the progression of the disease.
The researchers figured out exactly what protein is activated by physical activity, and say they hope to use this information to develop drugs that can activate this protein.
Here’s a novel idea… why not ditch the (future) drugs, and just work out instead?
It doesn’t cost a thing, and it doesn’t come with side effects.
I know that’s what I’d do.
If you’re looking for additional support, make sure you’re consuming plenty of garlic. It contains a compound called diallyl disulfide that shuts down destructive enzymes that damage cartilage.
I also recommend ginger. Studies have shown that it is just as effective as ibuprofen at improving pain, joint swelling, and range of motion in people with osteoarthritis.