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You might not like to talk about constipation.

But it’s NOT a health issue you should sweep under the rug, either.

Common constipation can cause bloating, cramps, straining, and other uncomfortable symptoms.

However, chronic constipation can also lead to fecal impaction, rectal prolapse, fecal incontinence, rectal bleeding, and more.

Even worse, the older you get, the greater your risk of constipation.

If you don’t want to be one of the 24 to 50 percent of older adults regularly battling constipation, you’ll want to load up on one key nutrient that could help keep things moving.

In a recent study, researchers analyzed data from over 10,000 adults participating in the Nutrition Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).

The participants provided information on their fecal characteristics and bowel movement frequency.

Constipation was defined as having fewer than three bowel movements weekly and a stool consistency of type 1 or 2 on the Bristol Stool Chart (picture separate hard clumps or being lumpy and sausage-like).

Volunteers who consumed more vitamin B1 (known as thiamin) had a 23 percent lower risk of constipation.

This was especially true for men, who had a higher risk reduction associated with thiamine intake than women.

This confirms other research showing that a lack of thiamin can cause constipation.

You see, thiamine plays a role in digestion. Low levels can slow the process, leading to constipation.

The good news is that vitamin B1 is found in many delicious foods, including eggs, beef, pork, salmon, legumes, and sunflower seeds.

Dodging constipation is yet another reason to eat these nutritious foods regularly.

P.S. Six reasons to eat MORE fiber.


Du, W., Lu, L., Liu, Y. et al. The association between dietary vitamin B1 intake and constipation: a population-based study. BMC Gastroenterol 24, 171 (2024).

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