The Dementia Trigger You CAN Stop
Being diagnosed with dementia can be a scary and hopeless feeling.
It strips away your health and your independence… and it just keeps getting worse and worse.
You don’t want to suffer through this horrible disease… and you don’t want anyone you love to suffer through it, either.
Preventing dementia is key.
That’s why you need to pay close attention to an alarming condition that dramatically increases your risk.
The connection between blood sugar and dementia is so strong that some people have started calling dementia Type 3 diabetes.
Previous research has shown that having diabetes increases your risk of dementia by two- to three-fold.
Now, another study has found something even more alarming.
After evaluating data from over 100,000 people, the researchers found that people with raised blood sugar levels have an increased risk of dementia… even if they didn’t have diabetes.
Talk about a scary connection.
This means that anyone with impaired glucose tolerance—not just those with outright diabetes—have a dramatically increased risk of an incurable, brain-robbing disease.
Sugar wreaks havoc on your blood vessels, including those in your brain.
The good news here is that your blood sugar is something you can control—which means lowering your risk of dementia is within your control as well.
Have your blood glucose levels tested on a regular basis to make sure they’re not creeping up on you.
In the meantime, simple diet and environment fixes – like eating more whole, organic foods, being more active, staying a healthy weight, and spending time in the sun – are the best things you can do for your blood sugar… and your brain.
P.S. Don’t forget! I have a special information session on medical marijuana coming up on Sunday, June 21. This is a great opportunity to learn all you can about this powerful natural remedy. And you can sign up for FREE. To sign up for the event, just click here now.