THESE Rare Plants KILL Cancer
Long before we had an FDA, pharmaceutical companies, synthetic drugs, and an epidemic of chronic disease, we had medicine men who learned to harness the healing power of plants.
These healers knew how to use the leaves, roots, stems, and just about any part of any plant to treat just about any disease.
And it looks like modern researchers could learn a lot from these traditions.
Because scientists recently put seven medicinal plants to the test against cancer.
And you’ll never believe what they found.
The plants are all native to Singapore and the surround areas and include:
- Bandicoot berry
- Sabah snake grass
- Fool’s curry leaf
- Seven star needle
- Black face general
- South African leaf
- And simpleleaf chastetree.
The researchers tested the leaf extracts of these plants against the cell lines of seven different types of cancer.
I’ll start with the bad news.
Sabah snake grass had virtually no effect on the cancers it was tested on. But take a look at the rest of the results:
Seven star needle was effective against cervical, colon, liver, ovarian, and uterine cancer.
And fools curry leaf and black face general were effective against numerous cancers as well.
But three of the plants – bandicoot berry, South African leaf, and simpleaf chastetree – were effective against all seven cancers studied.
These included breast, cervical, colon, leukemia, liver, ovarian, and uterine cancers.
Of course, Big Pharma will use studies like this one to try to replicate what nature has already produced.
Good luck with that.
Instead, what needs to be done is for scientists to look deeper into the sources we know can help fight cancer.
This will help determine things like how much of a certain substance is required, and in combination with what other substance(s), in order to effectively treat cancer in individuals (as opposed to cell lines).
That’s the kind of research I could stand behind.