Ugly Statins Secret Exposed
Q: My cholesterol is slightly elevated, and I have to decide whether to start taking statins. I don’t want to, but everyone tells me I’m risking my life. Is that really true?
Dr. G.: I have to admit that when it comes to statins, I’m a little biased.
I’m not biased because I just blindly hate prescription drugs.
I’m biased because I believe that the research states very clearly that statins do more harm than good.
The side effects linked to statins are truly alarming. These drugs have been connected to severe muscle pain, diabetes, cataracts, and lots more.
And maybe you’d be willing to risk those side effects if statins could prevent a heart attack or save your life.
But they’re not very good at doing either.
An interesting study in the British Medical Journal looked at statins trials to see just how big the benefit really was. The researchers found that for primary prevention — that’s when the statins are taken by otherwise healthy people — there was a mortality benefit of 3.2 days.
The benefits weren’t much better for secondary prevention. Over the span of 2 to 6 years in the trials, those with heart disease got a whopping 4.1 days of increased lifespan during the study.
I’m sorry, but adding 3–4 days to my lifespan is just not worth all of the side effects that have been linked to statins.
There are lots of drug company reps and mainstream doctors out there claiming statins can save your life. Unfortunately, there just isn’t much research to support that.
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