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Men, you probably didn’t think about your prostate much when you were younger… but I guarantee you’re thinking about it now.

That’s because, as you get older, your prostate tends to get bigger.

And that means symptoms like a weak urine stream, difficulty urinating, nighttime peeing, leaking, pain during ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and other things you’d rather not be dealing with.

Fortunately, numerous supplements help support prostate health and can significantly reduce the life-altering symptoms of an enlarged prostate.

Here are the top 3.

One in three men over 50 experience prostate issues associated with benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH (an enlarged prostate).

By age 60, that number leaps to around 50 percent of men. And by the time they reach their 70s, at least 80 percent of men battle joy-robbing prostate symptoms.

Mainstream medicine’s solution is heavy-duty drugs with side effects that are as bad or worse than the symptoms they’re supposed to treat… including low blood pressure, sexual dysfunction, dizziness, and sleep problems.

However, three proven natural supplements could help relieve your symptoms without drug side effects…

  1. Stinging Nettle: Research has shown that this plant can reduce inflammation throughout the body, including your prostate gland.It contains compounds like phytosterols, alkaloids, and terpenes that inhibit an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This is key to prostate health because 5-alpha reductase converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which contributes to an enlarged prostate.As a result, stinging nettle can help with symptoms like urinary flow, incomplete bladder emptying, and the constant urge to urinate.
  1. Lycopene: The natural pigment that’s responsible for the red color in produce like tomatoes or watermelon is called lycopeneLycopene is especially good for prostate health.In one study, men taking lycopene maintained a steady prostate volume, while men in the placebo group experienced a 25 percent increase. Lycopene also reduced PSA levels (a measurement linked to prostate cancer risk).Research also indicates that men who supplement with lycopene experience improvements in their International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), which measures various enlarged-prostate-linked symptoms, including frequency, urgency, straining, and nocturia (nighttime urination).
  1. Saw Palmetto: Of course, you can’t talk about prostate health without mentioning saw palmetto.Studies suggest that not only can saw palmetto help reduce symptoms of an enlarged prostate but that it can do so as effectively as the prescription drug finasteride (but without the side effects).This includes reducing nighttime urination, frequent urination, and weak flow.

An enlarged prostate may be nearly impossible to avoid as you age. But unbearable prostate symptoms don’t have to be.

Why not give one of these three proven prostate supplements a try?

P.S. Try THIS to SLASH prostate cancer risk by 35%!?


MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); Enlarged Prostate (BPH) benign prostatic hyperplasia, Accessed 10.24, Available from: medlineplus. gov / enlargedprostatebph .html

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