“Black Elixir” LOWERS Blood Sugar Levels
Shocking results in just 60 minutes
Whether or not you have type 2 diabetes, you should be aware of your blood sugar levels.
Even if you’ve never been diagnosed with diabetes, your blood sugar levels could still be high enough to cause nerve damage and damage to your arteries and blood vessels.
Fortunately, there’s a drink that could help you manage your blood sugar levels… even if your diet isn’t perfect.
For this study, 24 adults who were either normal or pre-diabetic all drank a sugary drink (which would cause an immediate spike in blood sugar levels), followed by either black tea or a placebo.
Those who drank the black tea had significantly reduced blood glucose levels 60 minutes after drinking the sugary drink.
Ideally, you should be limiting how much sugar you’re consuming—and also limiting foods that have a high glycemic index.
The glycemic index refers to how quickly (or slowly) the food raises your blood sugar.
Higher glycemic foods include starches like rice, potatoes, and pasta, and snacks like pretzels, donuts, and soda.
Lower glycemic foods include foods like vegetables, yogurt, and certain fruits.
Even if your HbA1c levels are normal, after-meal blood sugar spikes can cause lethargy and hunger in the short term, and can cause issues with your kidneys, nerves, eyes, and heart in the long term.
Ideally, you should stick to foods that have a low glycemic index.
However, if you do have a high-sugar meal or drink, consider following it with a cup of black tea.
It could be one of the best—and easiest—ways to protect yourself from dangerous after-meal blood sugar spikes.