[Alert] THIS Food Ups Alzheimer’s Risk 75%!
There are plenty of foods that are great for your brain.
Walnuts and salmon come to mind right away.
But if you’re serious about avoiding dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, you need to do more than snack on healthy nuts.
There’s one particular food you need to cut out of your diet right now.
Because according to a recent study, people who consume the most have a 75 percent higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
They’re called trans-fatty acids, or just “trans fats,” and they’re in everything from coffee creamer and crackers, to pizza, popcorn, and pie crusts.
If you’re not eating whole foods (fruits, vegetables, meat, etc.), then there’s a good chance you’re getting your fair share of trans fats.
And that can spell disaster for your health—especially your brain.
In a study published in the journal Neurology, researchers tracked 1,600 people without dementia for ten years.
Although they analyzed their diets, they also conducted tests to determine blood levels of trans fats (making the results much more accurate than looking at food frequency questionnaires alone).
Even after they accounted for other dementia risk factors, the people who had the two highest blood levels of trans fats were 52 percent and 74 percent more likely to develop dementia than those with the lowest levels.
This study is not the first to show the trans fat/dementia connection—which only strengthens the results.
By now, the fact that trans fats are bad for you is not headline news. However, most studies have focused on how bad these fats are for your heart.
Trans fats can have such a dramatic impact on your cholesterol levels (increasing the “bad” and decreasing the “good”) caused the government to actually issue a ban on this ubiquitous food back in 2015.
But that doesn’t mean you’re out of the woods.
Companies were given until 2018 to phase out the fats, but the FDA keeps granting extensions… which means they’re still in your food.
Not only that, but in true regulatory form, a label that says “0 grams of trans fat” CAN ACTUALLY STILL CONTAIN TRANS FATS!
…as long as one serving contains .5 grams or less.
But whoever just had ONE SERVING of cookies?
If you’re like most people I know, you have a hefty portion of pizza, along with chips, and followed by a few cookies for dessert.
With that kind of meal, you’ll be getting a whole lot more than “0 grams of trans fat.”
I keep telling you that processed and ultra-processed foods will put you in an early grave.
Don’t rely on the government to protect your health. And don’t rely on a label to tell you a food is “safe.”
The only way to avoid these dangerous man-made fats is to eat whole foods. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store.
And even then, buy organic when you can.