Breakfast Staple SOLVES Vitamin D Deficiency
I’m sure I sometimes sound like a broken record when it comes to promoting getting adequate sunlight.
I’m okay with that.
Because exposing yourself to sunlight is hands down one of the best things you can do for your health – so, I’m going to talk about it a lot.
One reason sunlight is so beneficial is because it’s your main source of vitamin D.
But what if you can’t spend enough time outdoors to get adequate vitamin D for good health?
Well, I’ve got a solution for that, too.
Up to 44 percent of older folks are vitamin D deficient.
This can lead to all kinds of health problems, from fatigue and osteoporosis, to moodiness and a weakened immune system, to Alzheimer’s disease and even hypertension.
In other words, D deficiency is nothing to mess around with.
But based on where you live, your health concerns, the time of year, or even your schedule, it can be difficult to spend enough time outdoors for your body to produce enough of the vital vitamin.
If you fit into that category, I have a solution: Eat more eggs!
A recent study found that eating an egg a day provides enough vitamin D for optimal levels.
But do you know what eating eggs didn’t do? Increase cholesterol levels! Imagine that.
But spending time in the sun is critical for more than just vitamin D levels. Sunlight is also essential for setting your circadian rhythm… that’s your body’s natural 24-hour clock that regulates your sleep-wake cycle, among other things.
So I don’t want you to think you can load up on eggs as a substitute for being outdoors. But if it’s difficult for you, eating eggs to boost your vitamin D is the next best thing.
An apple a day is good…
But for sufficient vitamin D—and all the health benefits that go along with it—an egg a day is better.
P.S. Eggs are, without a doubt, one of nature’s most perfect foods. But not all eggs are created equal. To get the most benefits… AND vitamin D… from your eggs, just make sure you’re getting THIS kind.
(2022, July 15.) “An Egg a Day Can Help Maintain Vitamin D Levels in Winter.” Medical Xpress.