“Bright Idea” SHIELDS Your Heart?
Mainstream medicine will NEVER get it right when it comes to heart disease.
They’ll continue treating your symptoms with drugs… and doing radical procedures after the fact to try to save your life.
If you’ve ever thought, “There HAS to be a better way.” I assure you THERE IS.
It focuses on stopping the underlying cause of heart disease by increasing a “mystery protein” your conventional doctor has probably never even heard of.
But having more of it just might be the key to NEVER having a heart attack.
Your body has an essential protein called PERIOD2, or PER2.
And its profound effects on your heart have remained a mystery until recently.
Now, research has revealed increasing PER2 has two critical heart-protective actions:
- It can help PREVENT heart attacks.
- It can MINIMIZE damage if you DO have a heart attack.
That’s because PER2 helps maintain endothelial function, promoting blood flow, clotting, and immunity of the blood vessels in your heart.
For years, we’ve understood that endothelial inflammation is one of the key drivers behind heart disease. And there’s a good reason for this.
You see, endothelial cells in your heart outnumber cardiac muscle cells three to one! So, it makes sense that damaging these cells would wreak havoc on heart health.
The study shows that without PER2, the endothelium becomes leaky, allowing proteins and other materials to seep into the artery wall, creating inflammation.
On the other hand, having adequate PER2 improves mitochondrial function in heart muscle and endothelial cells. This increases the energy available to your cells, reducing injury to your heart muscle.
But you’ve likely NEVER heard of PER2 because pharmaceutical companies haven’t started selling drugs to boost it yet.
Fortunately, you don’t need a drug to boost your body’s PER2 levels. All you need is to STEP OUTSIDE. Because bright light in the eye naturally increases PER2.
PER2 is technically a light-inducible circadian core protein, which increases when your eye is exposed to light and decreases with darkness in a cyclical pattern.
For maximum heart benefits, be sure to get your sunlight in the morning.
It’s also essential not to reactivate PER2 in the evening with man-made light. Remember, PER2 functions in a cyclical pattern in your body, so it’s important that it naturally lowers at night.
Candles, red light, and fires are okay because blue light stimulates PER2 the most, and these light sources don’t give off blue light.
You can also wear blue-blocking glasses at night that block all artificial visual frequencies less than 550 nm.
P.S. One hundred percent natural and side-effect-free supermarket secret SLASHES heart risk.
Oyama Y, et al. “Intense Light-Mediated Circadian Cardioprotection via Transcriptional Reprogramming of the Endothelium.” Cell Reports, 2019;28(6),1471-1484.