Cancer Survivors: 65% Lower Risk of Dying (Here’s How!)
How Cancer Survivors Can Live Longer
Thanks to many advances in modern medicine, cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence.
There are nearly 16 million cancer survivors living in the US today.
But believe it or not, there’s something that has a dramatic impact on cancer survival that has nothing to do with modern medicine.
It can lower a cancer survivor’s risk of dying from ANY cause by a shocking 65 percent.
It all comes down to four simple words:
Sit less, move more.
Sitting too much can dramatically increase a cancer survivor’s risk of dying, while moving more can dramatically reduce the risk.
Researchers studied more than 1,500 cancer survivors for up to nine years.
Those who were physically active (defined as 150 hours per week) had a 65 percent lower risk of dying from any cause during the follow-up, compared to their less active counterparts.
Yet those who sat for eight hours or more per day had DOUBLE the risk of dying from cancer and any cause at all.
And those who sat for more than eight hours per day AND didn’t get additional activity (when they weren’t sitting) had FIVE times the risk of dying.
This is good news and bad news.
The bad news is that the study revealed that more than half of the cancer survivors were classified as inactive, which means they’re all facing these increased risks.
The good news is that they can change their odds for the better, starting today.