DAILY Habit Slows Cognitive Decline by 60% (Simple!)
Getting older doesn’t have to be bleak.
I’m a prime example of that.
I have as much energy now at age 65 as I did at 45—maybe MORE so.
My memory is as sharp as ever, too.
It’s not the luck of the draw… it’s because of the choices I make every day.
Today, I want to share with you ONE simple lifestyle change that can slow cognitive decline by 60 percent.
Nutritional deficiencies are common in older adults.
Even if you’re eating the “right” foods, many older adults simply don’t eat as much as they once did. Plus, their bodies don’t utilize the nutrients from food as efficiently.
This can be a problem since nutritional deficiencies are repeatedly associated with cognitive decline.
That’s why I firmly believe that most older adults should consider taking a multivitamin.
A recent study published in the Alzheimer’s Association journal showed that doing so could help put the brakes on the cognitive decline associated with aging.
Researchers evaluated more than 2,200 people and found that taking a daily multivitamin slowed cognitive aging by an incredible 60 percent, compared to a placebo.
The results were greatest in people who had a history of cardiovascular disease.
Now we wouldn’t need to take a multivitamin in a perfect world. But our world is FAR from perfect—and neither are our diets.
That’s why choosing a quality multi can be a good choice to fill in these gaps.
Not all supplements are created equal.
One quality product I’ve found is the One-Per-Day Multivitamin from Life Extension at www.lifeextension.com.
P.S. When it comes to protecting your brain against cognitive decline, the earlier you act, the better the results. Of course, it can be hard to act before you know a problem exists. Now a simple test can predict your risk of cognitive decline up to 10 years earlier.
“Effects of cocoa extract and a multivitamin on cognitive function: A randomized clinical trial,” Alzheimer’s & Dementia, Published: 14 September 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/alz.12767