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Dear Natural Health Solutions Reader,

Unfortunately, GMOs — genetically modified organisms — have spread like a rogue virus in the American food supply.

Introduced a mere 20 years ago, now about half of all crops on American farmland are genetically modified.

Despite what you’ve been told, GMO foods are unsafe. That’s largely because most are engineered to resist massive doses of glyphosate, a pesticide that’s probably carcinogenic.

Generally, eating GMOs means eating lots of glyphosate.

Don’t do it.

Fortunately, it’s still possible to lead a largely GMO-free life.

In brief, you just need to:

  1. Buy organic foods. No organic-certification program — even the USDA’s — will approve products with GMO ingredients.
  1. Don’t buy corn or soy, either in foods or as oils. Don’t buy canola oil or cottonseed oil, or foods that contain them. Doing this will help you avoid the vast majority of GMOs.
  1. Avoid packaged and processed foods such as frozen microwaveable dinners or cheap snack foods.
  1. If you must buy packaged products, check the Non-GMO Project’s list to make sure what you purchase is GMO-free.


The steps above are great ways to protect yourself and your family. But what about your nation?

If GMOs anger you as much as they do me, I urge you to sign this petition!

Because the current situation, bad as it is, could soon become far worse.

A bill called the Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2015 passed in the House on July 23. At this writing, the Senate has not released a version for a vote yet.

But it will. Soon.

Opponents of this bill call it the Deny Americans the Right to Know — or DARK — Act.

That latter title is far more accurate.

The bill, HR 1599, would turn food labeling into an Orwellian nightmare of censorship and doublespeak.

It would block states from labeling foods that contain genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.

It would allow food companies to describe products that contain GMO ingredients as “natural.”

And perhaps worst, it would make it virtually impossible for small food companies to label their own products as non-GMO.

To use such a label, companies would need to create a government-approved “supply chain process control plan” that tracks each plant from seed to harvest to processing.

The likely result? The regulatory burden would be so expensive and cumbersome that the little guys would either stop labeling their products as non-GMO or go out of business.

Industrial food giants would enjoy an even tighter grip on your food supply — along with greater freedom to withhold the truth about what you are eating.

Bottom line: More than 90 percent of Americans want GMO labeling. It’s now on the verge of being effectively outlawed.

But it’s not too late.

Please help stop HR 1599. Sign this petition.

Then share the link with anyone and everyone you know on Facebook, Twitter, and/or your email lists.

One more note:

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), big food, biotechnology, and trade associations reported spending $51.6 million for lobbying over the first half of 2015.

Some or all of that went to lobby for legislation, including HR 1599.

The biggest spenders among individual companies?

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Kellogg’s, Kraft, General Mills, and Land O’Lakes.

“These six companies disclosed $12.6 million on lobbying expenses that made reference to legislation aimed at killing state and federal GMO labeling,” reports EWG.

But congressmen do pay attention to the public, and petition signatures are “currency” as well.

After all, they need our votes!

We’re aiming for 50,000 signatures by Sept. 7. That’s the week when we expect the Senate to vote on its version of HR 1599.

So please click here to let the Senate know you disapprove of HR 1599.

Sign it, and share it!


Brad Lemley

Brad Lemley
Editor, Natural Health Solutions

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