Kitchen Spice DESTROYS Deadly Infections
If you’re not concerned about antibiotic resistance yet, you should be.
Antibiotic-resistant bacteria… also called “superbugs”… are killing tens of thousands of people per year.
And seniors, who often have compromised immune systems, are especially at risk.
Getting a serious infection that can’t be killed by antibiotics is a scary proposition.
But here’s the good news…
Scientists have discovered a simple spice that can actually tear apart and destroy superbugs.
And you’re going to be shocked when you learn what it is.
People have been using antimicrobials found in nature to treat infections for as long as we’ve been on Earth.
With modern “advanced” medicine like antibiotics, those natural solutions fell by the wayside. After all, there’s no money to be made on a natural substance that can’t be patented.
But with the fall in antibiotic effectiveness – and the rise of antibiotic-resistant superbugs – the search for alternative methods for fighting bacteria is in full swing.
And that has scientists taking a close look at cinnamon.
In a study just published in the journal Microbiology, researchers studied a component found in cinnamon called cinnamaldehyde (CAD)—it’s the compound that gives cinnamon its cinnamon-y taste and smell.
To determine CAD’s impact on infections, they examined how it reacted with biofilms, which are sticky layers often responsible for antibiotic-resistant infections.
Think of them like a microscopic army of bacteria.
Biofilms play a role in urinary tract infections, community-acquired pneumonia, prostatitis, and meningitis.
CAD oil was found to break down these stubborn biofilms in over 75% of cases. As an added benefit, it prevented biofilms from forming and also from spreading.
Other studies have shown that CAD oil can kill notorious infections like MRSA and streptococcus.
Despite this and plenty of other studies proving the antimicrobial activity of cinnamon oil, it’s still relatively unknown in the medical community.
But you don’t have to wait for them to catch up to the latest research. You can capitalize on cinnamon’s beneficial effects by supplementing with 1-6 grams of cinnamon per day for up to six weeks.
Just make sure it’s organic Ceylon cinnamon, and NOT the kind you’d normally buy in the supermarket. You can find Ceylon cinnamon easily online.
To a brighter day,
Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.