[MEN] “Food Secret” HALTS Prostate Cancer?
Dear Reader,
Fortunately, for most men, prostate cancer is not a death sentence.
You see, most prostate cancers are extremely slow-growing and aren’t life-threatening.
In fact, for men with non-aggressive cancers, the best course of action is no action at all.
Why undergo treatment that could leave you incontinent and impotent when the cancer poses no risk?
But just crossing your fingers and hoping for the best is a scary solution.
Luckily, if you’re in this category, you can do more than HOPE your tumor is slow-growing.
A recent study identified a “food secret” that can lower your risk of cancer progression.
Researchers followed 410 men who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and were on active surveillance.
They were evaluated every six months to determine whether or not the cancer had progressed.
They also answered questionnaires to determine their dietary habits… and more specifically how closely they followed what’s called the Mediterranean diet.
This style of eating involves eating lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, fish and healthy fats… and NOT eating sugar and processed foods.
People who follow this way of eating tend to live longer and have lower risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer.
In fact, research has shown that people who live in the areas of the world with the oldest people tend to follow this way of eating.
And now it looks like an additional benefit of this lifestyle is that it could keep your prostate cancer in check!
You see, the researchers determined that the men who most closely followed this diet had a lower risk of prostate cancer progression.
For every one-point increase in their Mediterranean diet score, there was a 10 percent lower risk of cancer progression.
Now, this was a small study in men who likely already had a low risk of cancer progression, so we can’t determine a definitive cause and effect.
But trust me, if you have cancer in your body, you’ll want to do everything in your power to make sure you keep it under control.
And adjusting your diet could be a key way to do that.
Another way to lower the risk of advanced prostate cancer is to maintain a healthy weight.
If you have prostate cancer, be sure to talk with your doctor about the best course of action.
In the meantime, to give yourself the best chance of a good outcome, make some of the key dietary changes mentioned above and keep your weight in check.
P.S. If you or a loved one is fighting prostate cancer, click here and read about the morning drink that can bring it to an END.