Prostate-Friendly Herbs Ease the Constant Urge to Pee
Bigger isn’t always better.
Men, that’s certainly the case when it comes to your prostate.
As you age, chances are your prostate will become enlarged. It does in most men. This causes it to press on your urethra leading to uncomfortable (and, let’s face it: embarrassing) symptoms.
Common prostate complaints include a weak stream, dribbling after urination, urinary urgency, and incomplete bladder emptying.
An enlarged prostate isn’t life-threatening, but it sure takes a toll on your quality of life.
The good news is that several herbs and supplements have been proven to help alleviate the worst symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
I’ll start with the most popular herb for prostate health: saw palmetto.
Studies show that taking saw palmetto can reduce inflammation, treat urinary tract infections, and effectively ease many symptoms of BPH (benign prostate hyperplasia or an enlarged prostate).
When you add stinging nettle to saw palmetto, people experience even better results. The combo can relieve symptoms such as reduced urine flow, incomplete bladder emptying, the constant need to urinate, and dribbling.
Pygeum extract comes from the bark of the African cherry tree. In one study of patients battling BPH taking pygeum led to significant improvements in urinary symptoms.
The men also reported a higher quality of life.
Delicious pumpkin seeds can help prevent prostate growth in numerous ways. They contain chemicals that could help block the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is a hormone that can build up in the prostates of older men promoting growth.
Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of zinc, a mineral critical to healthy prostate function. Men with BPH tend to have significantly lower zinc levels than those with healthy prostates.
In another study of men with lower urinary tract symptoms due to BPH, taking flower pollen extract led to significant improvements in symptoms.
Green tea extract could be beneficial for an enlarged prostate too. The extract contains polyphenols that have been shown to target both the causes and symptoms of BPH.
Of course, lifestyle can contribute to your prostate problems too. So if you’re experiencing the uncomfortable symptoms of an enlarged prostate, losing weight, exercising, and cutting sugar and junk food out of your diet can help too.
Most men will experience an enlarged prostate if they live long enough. But one or more of these solutions could help you dodge some of the worst symptoms and improve your quality of life.
P.S. Many men wonder if BPH is linked to prostate cancer. The good news is it’s not and doesn’t increase your risk for the disease. But 1 in 6 men will still be diagnosed with prostate cancer. If you’re the one, THIS easy step could help assure your case isn’t aggressive.
DeBusk, C. (2022, August 22.) “Herbal Supplements and Herbs for Prostate Health: the Latest Studies.” Chiropractic Economics.