“Red Berry” IMPROVES Heart Health (In 2 Hours?!)
(It’s not just good for your urinary tract!)
You don’t always have to overhaul your diet to make a big difference in your health.
Small changes made over time can add up to big benefits for your health — especially your heart.
Today, I want to share with you a food you can start adding to your diet that can boost blood vessel function.
Better blood flow = better heart health.
Cranberries are typically associated with their urinary tract benefits.
If you’re a woman, you may have tried drinking cranberry juice to help treat a UTI. Many studies have demonstrated that these red berries can decrease certain bacteria from sticking to the gut, helping to prevent gut health problems.
But they’ve never really been associated with heart health… until now.
In a randomized, double-blind study, 45 health men took either 9 grams of a cranberry powder supplement or a placebo for one month.
Those in the cranberry group experienced significant improvements in their heart and blood vessel function.
These results were based on changes to their flow-mediated dilation, which measures how your blood vessels expand when blood flow increases.
This is considered a biomarker of cardiovascular disease risk.
Results showed that flow-mediated dilation was improved after just TWO HOURS of taking the cranberry supplement.
One month later, the benefits continued, showing both the immediate and long-term benefits of cranberries.
When it comes to your heart, it’s only as healthy as your blood vessels.
Consuming foods like cranberries that contain beneficial nutrients like polyphenols is one way to help keep your blood flowing… and your ticker ticking.