REVERSE Diabetes AND Hypertension Without Drugs?!
High blood pressure and type 2 diabetes are two of the biggest health risks faced by Americans today.
Once you’ve been diagnosed, you’ll likely be told you’ll have to take drugs for the rest of your life just to manage the condition!
But I’m here to tell you… that’s FLAT OUT WRONG.
Not only is it possible to REVERSE hypertension and type 2 diabetes with this one, simple technique— but researchers have found you can safely stop taking the prescription drugs used to manage the conditions.
Even better?
This technique can cure both conditions.
It’s two for the price of one… and it’s never been easier.
Being overweight is a contributing factor to both type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.
But did you know that losing weight can reverse both of these conditions — and that it’s effective enough to stop taking medications for the conditions?
Take a look at this remarkable study…
The researchers wanted to find out if diabetics could reverse hypertension by losing weight — but they found out so much more.
Researchers put 143 type 2 diabetics on a diet program that included low calorie soups and shakes. If followed fully, the program will allow you to lose 33 pounds in just 12 weeks.
After that time, the individuals received guidance on how to eat to maintain the weight loss.
Here’s what makes this study even more remarkable: The participants stopped all drugs at the start of the study.
And as the weight came off, their blood pressure fell along with it.
Even after the initial 12-week diet period, 28 percent of the participants maintained their blood pressure without drugs at 12 and 24 months.
This is significant, since more than half of people with type 2 diabetes also suffer from high blood pressure.
But it gets even better.
Because those who lost the weight on this program were also able to cure their diabetes.
That’s right — CURE.
As in, they no longer needed drugs to maintain healthy blood sugar levels!
Imagine going to your doctor with high blood sugar levels and high blood pressure… and instead of being put on costly, side-effect laden prescription drugs for the rest of your life, you’re given a prescription for a REAL cure.
That’s what ALL doctors should be doing — making their patients well instead of managing their illness.
And studies are mounting showing that moderate weight loss — in this particular study, 33 pounds — could make all the difference.
If you have diabetes or hypertension, be sure to talk with your doctor before stopping any medications you’re taking.
But also show him this study and talk about taking active steps to cure these two deadly conditions.
Dr. Richard Gerhauser
P.S. If you’re struggling – or have struggled in the past – to lose weight, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be a challenging, stressful feat! Click here and learn the once-a-week secret to weight loss. You won’t regret it.