Simple Trick SLASHES Your Heart Disease Risk
Whether you’re overweight… or diligently watch the scale…
Whether you’re a person who runs on the treadmill… or if you run from treadmills…
We could all do more to make sure we’re not yet another heart disease statistic.
But if you’ve been told that you need to take drastic measures and upend your life to stay healthy … I’m happy to tell you that’s NOT the case.
Because one simple change could boost your health and SLASH your risk of heart disease and diabetes.
And you can make it today!
We all know that eating less can have good results on our waistlines.
But now it looks like reducing your daily caloric intake by just a fraction can help fight diseases, too,
Researchers wanted to find out if eating just a little bit less could help folks lower their disease risk.
For the study, researchers divided healthy folks into two groups. One group ate their normal, unrestricted diet. The other group cut just 12% of their daily calories.
The researchers didn’t restrict the types of foods they ate… just how much.
That 12% reduction adds up to about 300 calories a day. That’s barely putting a dent in a typical 1,600-2,400 calories per day for a woman, or the 2,000-3,000 daily recommended calories for a man.
And to put it in perspective, that’s the equivalent of cutting out 30 potato chips, a slice of pie, or a small snack after dinner.
In other words, it’s something any one of us could easily do.
And trust me, the benefits are well worth it.
After two years, the individuals following the calorie-restricted diet…
- Lost over 11 pounds of fat
- Reduced their LDL cholesterol
- Increased their HDL cholesterol
- And became more sensitive to insulin.
Translation: They dramatically lowered their risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
And these results were in people who were already young, healthy, and not overweight.
Imagine the benefits for people who are old, sick, and fat!
Interestingly, the researchers said that weight loss only accounted for about 25% of the improvements.
And while they don’t know for sure what accounted for the other 75%, their best guess is that the calorie restriction altered DNA methylation, which means it changed how their DNA responded to environmental changes.
Whatever the underlying reason, most of us could benefit from eating a little less. Whether it’s because we could stand to lose a few pounds… or because we could benefit from lowering our disease risk.
And cutting out 300 calories a day is something all of us could easily accomplish.