Single Solution CLOBBERS Autoimmune Symptoms
Autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, or multiple sclerosis often sideline people from their lives.
After all, who wants to play tennis when all you can focus on is your joint pain?
Or who wants to go for a hike when you feel unstable on your feet?
But that’s a classic catch-22.
Here’s why…
It turns out regular exercise can REDUCE autoimmune symptoms.
You see, regardless of what kind of autoimmune disease you’re battling, they all have one thing in common… inflammation.
And apparently, they all have one treatment option in common as well… exercise.
In a comprehensive review that included 87 studies involving 2,779 people with various autoimmune diseases, researchers investigated the impact of exercise on inflammation markers.
They found that exercise had various anti-inflammatory benefits, including reducing C-reactive protein, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha).
These reductions went hand in hand with real-world benefits like improvements in…
- clinical disability,
- fatigue,
- mood,
- disease,
- disease activity,
- and physical fitness.
According to the review, a variety of exercises led to these results, from aerobic training to yoga to Tai Chi.
In other words, it doesn’t have to be intense to be beneficial.
Start small, give it time, and see how your body reacts. Then, try to increase the amount over time.
P.S. Exercise isn’t the only way to tackle autoimmune inflammation. Nature has a solution that calms this overreaction. CLICK HERE for the details.
Luo, B., Xiang, D., Ji, X., Chen, X., Li, R., Zhang, S., Meng, Y., Nieman, D. C., & Chen, P. (2024). The anti-inflammatory effects of exercise on autoimmune diseases: A 20-year systematic review. Journal of Sport and Health Science. doi. org / 10.1016 /j.jshs. 2024.02.002