Tasty Snack STOPS Heart Problems (Diabetics Only!)
Do you know what kills most diabetics?
Heart disease.
All that excess sugar floating around in the bloodstream wreaks havoc on your blood vessels can cause heart disease… and higher risks of heart attack and stroke.
If you have diabetes, there are some obvious steps you can take to keep your risk lower.
Things like maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, controlling blood pressure, and managing your weight, will make a difference.
But there’s another way to reduce your risk of heart disease that’s even easier.
In fact, it’s quite enjoyable.
All you have to do is chow down this one tasty snack.
They’re a filling snack that hasalready been hailed for their heart-healthy benefits. But a recent study wanted to see if these benefits specifically extended to those with type 2 diabetes.
And it turns out… they do.
According to the study, diabetics who ate about five servings a week (that’s about 5 handfuls of nuts) were 17% less likely to develop heart disease than people who rarely ate nuts.
Even just one handful helped protect against developing heart problems – and also lowered the risk of dying from them.
Nuts contain numerous beneficial compounds, like unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamin E, folate, calcium, potassium, and magnesium that can help with important factors like blood sugar control and inflammation.
But not all nuts provide equal protection.
Peanuts were at the bottom of the list (but they’re technically a legume, anyway).
The best protection came from tree nuts like walnuts, almonds, cashews, pistachios, pecans, hazelnuts, macadamias, Brazil nuts, and pine nuts.
And even though they’re high in fat, eating nuts in moderation can actually help you lose weight.
It’s a win-win.
I think I’ll grab a handful right now.