The SHOCKING Truth About Cancer Prevention
It’s a word no one ever wants to hear—especially coming from your doctor’s mouth.
This devastating disease doesn’t discriminate. Nor does it care if you’re rich or poor, young or old. We all share some risks.
But what if I told you that nearly HALF of all cancer deaths could be prevented?
That’s right. A new study from the American Cancer Society has revealed some shocking truths about cancer prevention you NEED to know.
Here’s the bombshell: About 40 percent of new cancer cases among adults 30 and older in the U.S.—and nearly half of deaths—can be attributed to preventable risk factors.
In other words, simple lifestyle changes could save hundreds of thousands of lives each year.
In fact, this information could save YOUR life—or the life of someone you love.
Let’s break it down:
Smoking is still the big bad wolf, responsible for nearly 1 in 5 cancer cases and almost a third of cancer deaths. If you’re lighting up, it’s time to quit. No ifs, ands, or butts about it.
But here’s where it gets interesting. Excess body weight is the second largest contributor to cancer cases. It’s linked to about five percent of new cases in men and nearly 11 percent in women.
In fact, obesity is emerging as almost as potent a risk for cancer as smoking.
Other significant risk factors include alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, poor diet, and infections like HPV.
You see, cancer isn’t just about bad luck or bad genes. It’s about the choices we make every day.
Each time you choose a salad over a bag of chips, take a walk instead of watching TV or choose that apple over a candy bar, you’re fighting cancer.
And the best part? These changes can reduce your cancer risk relatively quickly.
Remember, your body is fighting cancer every single day as your cells divide. That means the healthy choices you make today can benefit you immediately.
In fact, modifiable risk factors contributed to more than half of new cases for 19 out of 30 types of cancer evaluated in this study.
Now, I know making these changes isn’t easy. Our modern world seems designed to keep us fat, sick, and tired. But you have more power than you realize. And you don’t have to do it alone.
In fact, in the August issue of my newsletter, Natural Health Response, I’ll reveal a surprising new way to help tackle cancer. It’s information you won’t want to miss.
If you’re not already a subscriber, click the button below to learn how to join us. Your health—and your life—will benefit.
Remember, when it comes to cancer, an ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure.
P.S. Shocking sunlight link to a cancer-causing toxin. (NOT what you think!)
Farhad Islami MD, PhD, Emily C. Marlow PhD, Blake Thomson DPhil. et al., Proportion and number of cancer cases and deaths attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors in the United States, 2019, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 11 July 2024