These Are the Real Diabetes Superfoods
Dear Natural Health Response Reader,
More than 1,500 readers have shared their major health problems with me as part of our NHR new-subscriber survey.
Thank you!
Far and away the most common condition you are battling is Type 2 diabetes, followed by its closely related cousin, being overweight.
That’s why I hammer at the bad mainstream info about these conditions — and work hard to give you the truth behind their cause and cure.
If you are new to this newsletter, you should know that I have grave concerns about the American Diabetes Association. The ADA is sponsored by drug companies. And these companies clearly do not want this disease to be cured, because it would wreck their profits.
So the ADA steadfastly refuses to acknowledge that Type 2 diabetes is quite simply a disease of carbohydrate overconsumption.
In fact, the ADA’s website explicitly states, “Having diabetes doesn’t mean you have to follow a low-carb diet or avoid carbohydrate foods.”
The truth is that’s exactly what you should do, if you want to actually recover.
Dr. Eric Westman of Duke University has cured more than a thousand Type 2 diabetics with a low-carb diet. This fact, reported in a variety of respected medical journals and in my January 2017 issue, appears nowhere on the ADA’s website.
So With That in Mind…
The ADA has lots of useless-to-dangerous info on its website, and here’s a real corker.
It’s the ADA’s list of 10 “Diabetes Superfoods”:
- Beans
- Dark-green leafy vegetables
- Citrus fruit
- Sweet potatoes
- Berries
- Tomatoes
- Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids
- Whole grains
- Nuts
- Fat-free milk and yogurt
Note that with the exception of fish, leafy veggies and tomatoes, none of these is truly a low-carb food.
In fact, it’s not too much of an exaggeration to say that a steady diet of sweet potatoes, whole grains, citrus fruit and beans just might give anyone but an endurance athlete Type 2 diabetes.
So what would a list of truly diabetes-fighting superfoods look like?
Well, the common definition of a “superfood” is one that’s nutrient-dense and fosters remission of a health condition.
So “diabetes-fighting” superfoods would be high in vital nutrients for overall health, rich in saturated fats for a feeling of fullness and low in carbohydrate to keep blood sugar under control.
My list of 10 diabetes-fighting superfoods echoes the list of “approved foods” Dr. Westman uses to cure the condition:
- Beef liver or chicken liver
- Pork
- Chicken
- Eggs
- Avocados
- Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower
- Red bell pepper (an especially rich source of vitamin C)
- Full-fat fermented dairy, such as yogurt and cheese
And it includes just two from the ADA’s list (which they no doubt threw in to deflect criticism by paying lip service to low-carb diets):
- Fish high in omega-3 fats
- Dark-green leafy vegetables
For more on why these 10 are truly the right choices, read the January 2017 issue of Natural Health Response.
I promise to keep bringing you information on what actually cures your most common health problems.
In the meantime, keep those inquiries coming to [email protected].
And ignore anything and everything you read from the ADA.
To your robust health,
Brad Lemley
Editor, Natural Health Response