This Miracle Vitamin Can SAVE You from Sepsis
Reduces your odds of dying 80%!
I don’t use term revolutionary lightly.
But I can’t think of a better word to describe this treatment for a life-threatening condition called sepsis.
It can happen to anyone, but older people are more likely to be impacted… and more likely to die from it.
But a new study found a way to help make sure you come out alive on the other side, if you ever get sepsis.
This is one article you’ll want to save so you can share it with your doctor if you, or a loved one, is ever in this situation.
Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening complication of an infection that kills about 300,000 people every year.
Your body tries to fight the infection, but the way that it responds causes a reaction that can lead to organ damage.
Doctors will give you drugs to try to fight it, but ultimately, it’s a waiting game to see if your body will fight it… or not.
But there’s a treatment that could help tip the scales in your favor — dramatically reducing your risk of dying from this condition.
It’s revolutionary because it’s so effective… and so simple.
It’s vitamin C.
For the study, researchers gave patients who were in the ICU because of sepsis shock intravenous vitamin C (totaling 7 grams a day) for four days in addition to traditional treatments.
The results?
An 80 percent drop in mortality!
I have no doubt that one day IV vitamin C will become standard of treatment in hospitals. But that day is a long way off.
Until then, keep this study in the back of your mind. If you have a loved one in this situation, you can always request IV vitamin C to be added to their standard treatment.
It’s cheap, it’s effective, and it’s safe.
In other words, it’s the perfect medicine.
And it could literally mean the difference between life and death.
Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.
P.S. Click here to learn about the other, secret and amazing benefits of vitamin C – you’ll be surprised.