REVEALED: The TRUTH About Saturated Fat and Your Heart
The government’s track record on health advice is about as reliable as your local weather forecaster’s.
(Hint: It stinks.)
But if Uncle Sam has scared you out of eating your favorite foods (or at least made you feel guilty when you do), then today’s your lucky day.
Research has finally vindicated some of those “bad” foods that those government geniuses are warning you to stay away from.
For years, health gurus have brainwashed the public into thinking that cutting saturated fat out of your diet would be the key to avoiding heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and cancer.
Clearly, that advice is NOT working.
And that’s because it’s flat out WRONG.
A recent meta-analysis looked into the connection between saturated fat and heart disease, and here’s what the researchers found:
Cutting saturated fat out of your diet DOES NOT lower your risk of dying from heart disease. Or from dying from any cause at all, for that matter.
Yes, saturated fat increases cholesterol—but not all cholesterol is equal.
Saturated fat tends to increase larger LDL particles rather than the smaller ones, and the large particles aren’t as strongly associated with the risk of heart disease.
This isn’t the first study to vindicated saturated fat… or the second or third for that matter. Take a look at a few studies published in recent years:
- A study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine showed that there was no association between eating saturated fat and coronary heart disease, dying from coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, or all-cause mortality.
- The giant, $725 million dollar Women’s Health Initiative, which followed 20,000 women for an average of 8 years, found NO LINK between fat intake and cardiovascular disease risk.
- A meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2010 pooled all of the trials with reliable data and concluded there was NO EVIDENCE of increased risk of coronary heart disease with increased saturated fats in the diet.
- The same journal reported on a study of over 58,000 Japanese people which found that those with more saturated fats in the diet had 31% less strokes and 18% less cardiovascular disease.
The bottom line is that food isn’t one-dimensional. You have to consider foods in their totality. And God tends to package them in a way to makes them balanced, nutrient-dense, and good for you.
And that’s why whole-fat dairy, unprocessed meat (preferably grass-fed), eggs, and butter are NOT bad for your heart.
The researchers concluded: “The totality of available evidence does not support further limiting the intake of such foods.”
Well hallelujah, and pass the butter.
Written By Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.
For years he’s been the trusted doctor for celebrities, world-class athletes, and countless seniors looking to reclaim their health.
And now…for the first time ever… he’s making his medical breakthroughs available to readers all across America.
Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D. is one of the most pioneering and innovative minds in medicine today – and he delivers cutting-edge cures each month through his Natural Health Response newsletter.
Natural Health Response readers get full access to Dr. Gerhauser’s protocols for chronic pain… heart disease… diabetes… Alzheimer’s… and even cancer. These are the very same treatments Dr. Gerhauser recommends to his own patients at his practice in Tucson, Arizona.
In addition to being a board-certified medical doctor, Dr. Gerhauser has earned two master’s degrees and has served as a clinical professor at the University of Arizona.
And as a physician at the world-famous Canyon Ranch, Dr. Gerhauser treated celebrities from around the world who paid dearly for the type of next-generation health information he provides Natural Health Response readers each month.
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