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If you’ve developed stomach ulcers, you’ve probably also been handed a prescription for proton pump inhibitors (PPIs).

This common drug reduces the amount of acid in your stomach to diminish damage to your stomach lining and give the wound time to heal.

But if you’re a regular Natural Health Today reader, you probably ALREADY know how I feel about PPIs:

They’re dangerous drugs that can cause WAY bigger problems than the ones you’re trying to treat (like cancer and an increased risk of death, for example).

The good news is that there IS a safer, more effective way to treat ulcers.

Stomach ulcers are sores that develop inside the stomach or small intestine.

The most common ulcer symptoms include burning, stomach pain, heartburn, nausea, and bloating.

If you’re battling them, I don’t blame you for wanting relief. But if you’re taking PPIs to treat ulcers, you’re jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

I prefer to put out the fire completely—and you can do that with cabbage juice.

This natural ulcer remedy isn’t just an old wives’ tale. Take a look at just a handful of the studies touting its benefits.

  • One benchmark study that followed over a dozen volunteers showed that drinking one quart of cabbage juice daily for 7-10 days healed stomach ulcers more effectively than conventional treatment. This is three to six times FASTER than conventional treatment.
  • In a larger follow-up study, cabbage juice was given to 100 folks with stomach ulcers that didn’t resolve with conventional treatments. An astounding 81 percent were symptom-free just one week later.
  • In a study of people with peptic ulcer disease, drinking fresh cabbage juice for seven days significantly reduced symptoms, like gas and bloating.
  • Another study confirmed that cabbage juice has anti-ulcer properties that help prevent breaks in the gut lining.

Those are impressive findings for a simple home remedy.

How could it work so well? It’s simple, really.

Cabbage is loaded with anti-inflammatory nutrients that target ulcers by reducing gut inflammation and promoting healing. These include compounds like derivatives of the amino acid methionine, anthocyanins, glucosinolate, and vitamin C.

If you’re battling ulcers and want to try cabbage juice, drink 1.5 liters for a week or two.

Mix it with additional fresh juices such as carrots, apples, and celery to improve its flavor and nutritional value.

Just a word of caution: You don’t want to overdo it with cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, especially if you have thyroid issues.

Raw cabbage contains goitrogens that, in large quantities, can interfere with thyroid function.

P.S. Tummy blown up like a Macy’s Parade balloon? Battling heartburn? Try one of these 6 NATURAL solutions for bloating and indigestion.


“Rapid healing of peptic ulcers in patients receiving fresh cabbage juice.” Calif Med. 1949 Jan;70(1):10-5. PMID: 18104715; PMCID: PMC1643665.

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