This Government Rule is WRECKING Your Heart
There are a whole lot of things I think the government should just stay out of.
Healthcare is one of them.
The health advice coming Uncle Sam is notoriously outdated, inaccurate, and tainted with the money of big corporations that have billions to gain.
Case in point: A particular government regulation that could INCREASE your risk of a heart attack by 24%.
Fortunately, there’s a way to reverse this threat… and you’ve already done it.
Back in the spring, I told you about a study published in the British Medical Journal showing that there is a 24% increase in heart attack victims the Monday after “daylight savings time.”
This confirmed the numbers from a study a few years earlier that found the exact same increase in heart attacks on “morbid Monday.”
Now that daylights savings time has ended, and we’ve recently turned our clocks “back,” another study has shown a shocking correlation:
In the two to three days after the time changed back to normal, heart attacks DROPPED by 20%.
No, that’s not a coincidence.
And I don’t think the uptick in heart attacks in the spring has anything to do with the one hour of lost sleep that comes when you turn your clocks forward.
(Although it is worth mentioning that sleep and heart health ARE intimately connected. It’s been shown that people who are sleep deprived regularly have a 50% increased risk of having a heart attack.)
But one hour of lost sleep one day of the year isn’t going to have much of an impact.
Instead, it’s all about your circadian rhythm.
Your body’s internal clock is set to the rhythm of the sun. Your circadian rhythm regulates hormones, metabolism, immune function, and so much more.
Throwing off your master clock can throw off the tiny clocks in all of your organs and tissues.
And this is proven to impact both your brain and your body, leading to weight gain, impulsivity, slower thinking, and other physiological and behavioral changes.
And if the studies on the impact of daylight savings time are any indication, messing with your circadian rhythm can also increase your risk of having a heart attack.
I’m glad I live in one of the two states that have opted out of this government health disaster. But unless you live in (or move to) Arizona or Hawaii, you can’t avoid Daylight Savings Time.
Since the time change has already happened, you’re now in the safety zone.
And you should pay extra attention to keeping your heart healthy so that you won’t be at an increased risk of a heart attack when the time change rolls around again.