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Natural Health Response is intended to provide cutting-edge health information.
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“Super Veggie” BUILDS Muscles!

Dear Reader,  If you think you need to pump iron in the gym to maintain muscle as you get older… think again.  Yes, working out is good for you.  And maintaining functional strength through daily activities like gardening or picking up your grandkids is great for strength, balance, and overall wellbeing.  But believe it or not, you […]

Key Nutrient SLOWS Brain Shrinkage!

Dear Reader,  Did you know that people tend to shrink as they get older?  It’s true.  As men get older, they lose up to 1.5 inches, and women can shrink as much as 2 inches.  But when it comes to shrinkage, your height is the least of your concerns.  Because your brain shrinks as you age as […]

 Bring Sciatica Pain to a HALT in MINUTES!

Sciatica pain can be crippling.   It causes a sharp pain that radiates from your lower spine, through your buttocks, and down your leg.   Some say it feels like an electric shock.   Bedrest and hot/cold therapies can be effective. Physical therapy can help you learn to take pressure off of your sciatic nerve.   But if you want real relief, real […]

Breast Cancer? Beware of This LIE!

Dear Reader,  Unfortunately, mainstream medicine is Big Business.   And the only way they make money is by profiting off of sick people…    Like putting you on synthetic drugs for the rest of your life (when lifestyle changes could eliminate the need for the drug) … or putting you under the knife (when something like physical therapy could fix […]

The MISSING Step to Preventing Alzheimer’s

Dear Reader,  It seems like common sense:  When you’re looking for a cure for Alzheimer’s… you’d think you should focus on what’s going on in your brain.  But that’s not necessarily the case.  In fact, new research has found that one of the underlying causes of Alzheimer’s isn’t something that happens in your brain at all.  This discovery has opened […]

A Look At October's Natural Health Response Newsletter

A Closer Look at mRNA Cancer Vaccines

Why They’re NOT All They’re Cracked Up to Be

Excitement has been brewing in medical research and mainstream pharmaceutical companies regarding the new messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.

They’ve been in the works for decades, but the first time an mRNA vaccine was rolled out to the public was with the COVID-19 vaccines. 

Now, the race is on to utilize this new type of vaccine to treat cancer.

Learn all about it, and much MORE, by clicking here.

Or click here to become a member and gain immediate access.

Will You Have a Heart Attack in Next 9 Years? (Shocking)

Dear Reader,  If you knew you were going to have a heart attack next year, would you take steps to prevent it?  Of course you would!  While we don’t have a crystal ball, your body gives you clues about future health risks.  And now there’s a new technology that takes a peek inside your arteries… and it can predict your likelihood of having a heart attack in the next […]

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Revolutionary NEW Therapy for Alzheimer’s?

Dear Reader,  Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the buildup of toxic proteins in the brain called amyloid beta plaques.  These proteins clump together between neurons and disrupt how your brain cells communicate with one another.  Finding a way to prevent these plaques from developing—or to safely remove them if they’re already there—has been a key area […]

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“Summer Snack” LOWERS Blood Pressure in 2HRS?!

Dear Reader,  Some people would have you believing that you need to eat a kale and tofu diet to improve your heart health.  No thanks.  Frankly, I want to ENJOY what I’m eating. After all, God made taste buds for a reason, right?  Fortunately, there’s a tasty summer snack that can lower your blood pressure and improve endothelial (the tissues lining your heart and blood vessels) function.  Both […]

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COVID-19’s “Achilles Heel”: A Natural Virus Killer

Dear Reader,  COVID-19 cases are on the decline in the U.S.  Finally.  But we’re not out of the woods yet.  You should still be taking steps to lower your risk of infection. The simplest ones—like washing your hands and social distancing—are still some of the most effective.  But there’s another way to stop the spread of […]

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This Condition INCREASES Secondary Cancer Risk 18%?!

Dear Reader,  Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women.  The good news is that the average 5-year survival rate for women with non-metastatic breast cancer is 90 percent.  If you’re a breast cancer survivor, you want to do everything in your power to be in that 90 percent.  Researchers have identified a risk factor that […]

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Fight Knee Pain with Ancient “Indian Spice”

Painful, aching knees can bring you to a halt. Suddenly, you stop doing the things you enjoy most — like playing tennis, gardening, or dancing.  What’s worse, painful knees can make everyday movements miserable. Even getting out of bed or climbing the steps feels like a chore!  But before you reach for Advil or Tylenol to mask the pain, I have a better idea…   It’s an all-natural “Indian […]

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Lower Your Risk of Respiratory Infection by 42%?!

Dear Reader, Respiratory infections can range from annoying and uncomfortable (nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing) to serious (bronchitis and pneumonia).  The SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that’s sweeping the globe is an example of a family of viruses that cause respiratory illnesses. And it’s a prime example of how respiratory infections can range from barely noticeable to deadly.  Now, respiratory infections are more likely to spread in […]

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[MEN] “Food Secret” HALTS Prostate Cancer?

Dear Reader,   Fortunately, for most men, prostate cancer is not a death sentence.  You see, most prostate cancers are extremely slow-growing and aren’t life-threatening.  In fact, for men with non-aggressive cancers, the best course of action is no action at all.  Why undergo treatment that could leave you incontinent and impotent when the cancer poses no risk?  But just crossing your fingers and hoping for the best […]

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END Pain with This 10-Minute Trick

Dear Reader,  Pain is a catch 22.   When you’re in pain, you don’t want to move.    But when you stop moving, you put yourself on a fast-track to disability.   And that means you can’t do much moving even if you wanted to.   But even if you’re dealing with arthritis pain, spending just 10 minutes a day following this simple program can […]

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Anti-Aging for your BRAIN?

Dear Reader,  You’ve probably heard the saying, the bigger the better.   While that’s NOT the case with something like your waistline, the size of your heart, or the amount of debt you’re in…it does ring true for plenty of other factors.   Like your brain.    It’s when your brain starts to shrink that you start having issues with memory, […]

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Small (But MIGHTY) Berry ENDS Infections?

Dear Reader,  The biggest crisis in modern medicine isn’t finding a cure for cancer or curbing the heart disease epidemic…   It’s the looming threat of antibiotic-resistant infections.   Bacteria are figuring out how to outlive antibiotics… and creating a scary future where even the most minor infection could turn deadly.   But there’s good news….    Canadian researchers believe that an age-old small – but MIGHTY […]

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2 Must-Have Nutrients LOWER Heart Disease Risk

Heart disease is the number one killer in the US, and unfortunately, that doesn’t appear to be changing anytime soon. People with heart disease have a higher risk of heart attacks, strokes, and of dying sooner. And now that COVID-19 has swept the globe, the risk of heart disease is EVEN GREATER. That’s because if […]

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Nutrient Duo STOPS Migraine Pain

Migraines aren’t your run-of-the-mill headache that will go away with a few NSAIDs. They can cause excruciating pain, make you sensitive to light and sound, and can cause nausea and vomiting. Worse yet, Big Pharma is CLUELESS when it comes to migraines. They throw anything they can at this condition — like anti-depressants, anti-seizure drugs, […]

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Improve Dry Eyes in Just 3 Days?!

Have you ever gotten sand in your eyes? It’s a horrible feeling, but fortunately it’s temporary. But for folks suffering from dry eyes, they often experience that in-your-eye-gritty-feeling all the time. Add in the itching and burning, the excess watering and blurred vision… it’s miserable. And if you suffer with this condition, you might find […]

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“Tasty Drink” REDUCES Damage from Stress?!

Stress isn’t good for your overall wellbeing. But it’s especially terrible for your heart. It increases your blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood sugar levels… all of which also increase your risk of cardiovascular events like heart attacks and strokes. Obviously, cutting back on stress is the best thing you can do. But the next […]

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