3 Simple Steps to Fight Off Frailty [STUDY]
Let’s talk about something close to ALL our hearts—staying healthy and spry as we age. We’ve all watched as folks we care about find it more difficult with each passing year to stay active, do the chores, and even walk. You may even be feeling your own mobility begin to fade. Well, an exciting new […]
The SHOCKING Truth About Cancer Prevention
Cancer. It’s a word no one ever wants to hear—especially coming from your doctor’s mouth. This devastating disease doesn’t discriminate. Nor does it care if you’re rich or poor, young or old. We all share some risks. But what if I told you that nearly HALF of all cancer deaths could be prevented? That’s right. […]
Mother Nature's Bone-Building Secret REVEALED
Mainstream medicine has peddled the same old song and dance about osteoporosis for years. Pop some calcium pills… do some jumping jacks… and cross your fingers that your bones don’t crumble like a stale cookie. But what if I told you Mother Nature has been hiding a bone-building secret right under our noses? And we […]
The INCREDIBLE Payoff for Delaying Diabetes
If you don’t know where your blood sugar levels stand, it’s time to get them checked. It’s estimated that one in three adults has prediabetes, yet 80 percent of these folks have NO IDEA they’re in this category. That’s a BIG problem because most people will develop type 2 diabetes within just five years of […]
The Biggest Dementia Risk Factor REVEALED
I’m sure you’re familiar with the Skeleton Dance song… “The foot bone is connected to the leg bone. The leg bone is connected to the knee bone…” It’s easy to think of our bones being linked because we can physically see them. What’s less obvious is that everything else about your health is JUST as […]
It's NEVER Too Late to Kick This Dangerous Habit
You’ve heard it a million times before: “Smoking is bad for you.” If you’re still lighting up, I bet you remember a time when smoking wasn’t just accepted—it was downright fashionable. Remember when you could smoke in restaurants, on airplanes, and even in hospitals? Heck, movie stars even made it look cool and sophisticated. Well, […]
The TRUTH About ED No One's Talking About
It’s a subject most men would rather sweep under the rug… erectile dysfunction (ED). But you’re not alone if you’re having trouble in the bedroom. In fact, ED affects up to 30 million men in the U.S. alone. However, popping a little blue pill isn’t the answer. ED drugs are often just slapping a Band-Aid […]
Don’t Let Muscle Loss RUIN Your Golden Years
For older women, muscle mass can take a nosedive after menopause. This means more than trouble carrying in the groceries. Over time, the decline in muscle mass can lead to mobility problems, balance problems, falls, and ultimately a loss of independence. Staying active is a critical piece of the puzzle. But now, researchers have discovered […]
The Bad Habit Causing Lupus
All autoimmune diseases are on the rise—but lupus is one of the worst. When the condition strikes, your immune system starts to attack healthy tissues. Lupus cases have increased by 60 percent in women and have increased six-fold in men over the past four decades. What’s driving this dramatic increase? Well, we might have found […]
SHOCKING Missing Piece of the Diabetes Puzzle Discovered
I’ve been saying for years that there’s MORE to type 2 diabetes than your weight—or even your diet. Sure, they play their part. But unless you’re adding in THIS missing piece of the puzzle, you could be increasing your risk of type 2 diabetes despite your best efforts to avoid it. And you’ll never guess […]
Ditch the Chips and DEFY Aging
Sometimes, you just want something to crunch on. The craving can send even the most health-conscious among us heading straight to the snack aisle. But before you reach for the potato chips—which can contain all kinds of harmful ingredients—I have a better idea. Try THIS crunchy, healthy snack instead of loading up ingredients that can […]
Is Aspirin DEADLY? (Get the Truth Here)
Old habits die hard… especially when we’ve been led to believe they’re good ones. We were told for years that taking an aspirin a day would lower the risk of heart attack and stroke. But for many, those were empty promises that came with a LOT of risk… and LITTLE reward. That’s why, if you’re […]
Salt Vindicated in Heart Health Shocker
I’ve got some news that’s will make your next meal a whole lot tastier. For years, I’ve been telling you that there’s no concrete evidence that moderate sodium intake is bad for your heart. Well, the science is finally catching up. A new study confirmed what I’ve been saying all along: severely restricting salt intake […]
Revolutionary Scan Spots "Ticking Time Bombs" in Your Heart
If you’re over 50, your doctor has probably warned you about your heart health. And for good reason. Heart disease is the #1 killer in America. It claims more lives than all forms of cancer combined. But here’s the scary part: Many people have no idea they’re at risk until it’s too late. That’s because […]
Triple Protection for Your Memory
With dementia, episodic memory is one of the first things to go. This involves recalling the specific time and place of events that occurred in the past. When episodic memory slips, recalling personal experiences and recent events can become difficult. Eventually, it affects your ability to perform your activities of daily living and hampers your […]
Hot Flashes SLASHED in Breast Cancer Patients
Women battling breast cancer have a lot to face. However, treatment side effects can make an already bad situation worse. Fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, pain, heart problems, nausea, ulcers, weight gain… it’s awful. If you’ve ever seen a loved one fight through breast cancer, you already know she can be tough as nails. But there’s no […]
Brain Cell "Gatekeeper" Could STOP Alzheimer's
If you’re worried about Alzheimer’s—whether for yourself or a loved one—I’ve got some exciting news. Researchers at Penn State just made a discovery that could change everything we know about treating this devastating disease. And the best part? It targets Alzheimer’s at its earliest stages—before it has a chance to rob you of your memories […]
SHOCKING Truth About Antidepressants Revealed
Depression is no joke. It’s a dark cloud that can suck the joy out of life, leaving you feeling hopeless and alone. If you’re one of the millions of Americans struggling with depression, my heart goes out to you. You deserve to feel better. But before you reach for that prescription antidepressant, there’s something you […]
Diabetes BREAKTHROUGH Stuns Researchers
If you’re worried about diabetes, you’re not alone. This devastating disease is spiraling out of control in our country. It’s like a runaway train, and mainstream medicine seems powerless to stop it. Nearly 1 in 10 Americans are now diabetic. And if you include prediabetes? That number skyrockets to 1 in 3. It’s an epidemic, […]
Surprising Parkinson’s Discovery Could Slash Symptoms
Yesterday, I explained that taking a specific probiotic could put IBS into remission. (Read about it here.) It’s yet another example of the relationship between our gut and overall health. Today, I have yet another example of the power of gut bacteria to impact your health. This time, it’s a surprising link to Parkinson’s. We […]